Workplace Analytics: A New Way to Manage Your Employees
A new breed of workplace analytics and workforce management software allows you to figure out what your employees are doing, how they’re working, and whether or not they’re getting their work done quickly and effectively enough to improve the productivity of your company. By using modern technology like this, you can keep track of your workers at all times, know what they’re working on, and help them get more done in less time so you can maximize your company’s profits and market share.
What Is Workforce Management Software
You’ve likely heard your friends or co-workers complaining about their jobs, saying things like I hate my boss or They make me come in on weekends. It’s no secret that many employers abuse their power by treating employees poorly. Workforce management software is a new tool that can help end these abuses while providing productivity management tools for employers and better workplace analytics for organizations looking to become more productive. The solution is actually quite simple—it monitors where people are located throughout an organization at any given time and how they’re using their time. With big data in hand, it then provides real-time insights so managers can set clear objectives and determine how best to improve performance across teams…
What Is Workplace Analytics
Workplace analytics is critical because it helps organizations gain real-time insights into their workforce. It’s also considered a game changer because many businesses are realizing that they need far more insight than they’re currently getting, and they’re looking for ways to manage their employees like never before. Workforce management software (WFM) has made major strides in recent years when it comes to helping companies analyze their workforce in order to create more productive teams. Over time, businesses have realized that they can save money by ensuring everyone is working at full capacity while also maximizing worker satisfaction. This not only leads to happier workers, but better business outcomes as well. As WFM continues to evolve from a tactical tool into an integrated system of systems, modern workforce analytics will only get better.
How Can Workplace Analytics Improve Your Business
Workplace analytics can help employers monitor their employees’ performance and productivity. The software gathers data on key metrics—such as how much time is spent in meetings, or how often an employee opens email—and visualizes it all in easy-to-read dashboards. Employees receive their own view of these reports so they can stay on top of their individual performance—all without having to call their manager every time they want a status update. If one employee has struggled with deadlines lately, for example, her dashboard might show her that she’s spending too much time in meetings. She can address that issue right away by adding boundaries around how much time she spends out of her office—even if no one has told her she should work differently. The software can also provide managers with early warning signs when something might be wrong. For instance, if two people are working side by side but productivity levels are drastically different, there could be a serious morale problem brewing—or perhaps one person isn’t pulling his weight. Employers don’t need to do anything about such problems until they get worse; workplace analytics just gives them warning that there could be trouble down the road.
Imagine for a moment that your job is customer service representative. After getting off work, you log in to your Workstatus dashboard and see two things: How many tickets you closed last night and how many emails you responded to over lunch. You ask yourself: How much was I paid per email? and how can I maximize my paycheck without slowing down my productivity? It’s a question we all know we need to answer—and one we can do with Workstatus.
SOURCE: Why is Workplace Analytics Critical No Matter Where People Work?