Windows 10 Eve-Ng Installation Steps
Want to know how to set up the EVE-NG? The EVE-NG tutorial below explains you step by step.
In the steps to configure the proxy, DNS, IP, and many other settings on EVE are needed:
- The first boot of Windows 10 eve-ng needs additional configuration. Begin the EVE VM or the BareMetal Server:
- After some while the console login prompt will be obtainable:
- By default, the EVE will look for an IP address using the DHCP protocol. You can log in as the root with the default password eve and begin the configuration. Insert the root password double times:
- Type the hostname first and type the domain name next
- Mind that hostname and the domain name which are more critical for IOU and IOL licenses.
- Select if the management IP address should be static or if it should be configured by the DHCP as the default is DHCP. You can use arrow keys and space bar to select, then you can enter to confirm.
- The static IP address will always ask for the IP address, netmask, the default gateway, and primary and secondary DNS servers.
- Type the NTP server or you can leave it blank as if not used and the default is blank.
Configure how the EVE VM and BareMetal Server can access the Internet as default is a direct connection, you can use arrow keys & space to select, then enter to confirm.
No default choices will require a proxy hostname and port as the default is there and the username and password are with authenticated proxy.
After the last confirmation EVE will get rebooted. When the VM or the BareMetal Server is up & running, SSH can be used to manage it.
Lastly, you should upgrade the system & EVE to the latest version:
Follow the below Steps to add windows to Eve-ng.
- Create a folder for Windows in Eve-ng
- Download the Windows Host image.
- Upload the image to the new folder in eve-ng
- Fix the permission and then test the Windows host.