Why Hydrating Fascia is Essential for a Healthy Body?
While we often prioritize diet, exercise, sleep, stress management, and mental health, there’s a vital factor that we frequently neglect, yet it profoundly influences all these areas: hydration of our fascia.
Dr. Jean-Claude Guimberteau has recently discovered that Fascia is the hidden hydration system, an electrical system conducted by water that sends cell-to-cell communication.
Based on that, it is believed that Fascia is the authority system that allows healthy communication between all different cells, organs, and connective or soft tissues, where hydration is required for a healthy existence.
The Fascia system is one of the most influential systems in the body. And it is the authority system for our hydration. Let’s explore why hydrating fascia is so important for every layer of your body, from skin deep to your bones, and how it can enhance your overall well-being.
The Importance of Hydrating Fascia
● Improved Flexibility and Mobility—When our fascia is hydrated, it is more elastic and flexible, allowing for a greater range of motion. On the other side, when fascia is dehydrated, it becomes stiff and unmovable, restricting movement and making it more difficult to perform daily activities and exercises.
● Reduced Pain and Discomfort—When your fascia is hydrated, the muscles and fascia glide, maintaining their collagenous, moisture texture, preventing the formation of painful knots and allowing muscles to move freely and without restriction.
● Enhanced Athletic Performance – Any professional or elite athlete knows how important hydration is. However, even though nutrition plays enormous role in hydrating fascia, so does movement. And not every move hydrates your fascia equally. For athletes, hydrated fascia is essential for peak performance. It allows muscles to contract and also relax efficiently, reducing the risk of injury and improving recovery time.
● Better Posture – when our fascia is hydrated, it supports good posture by maintaining the alignment of our skeleton. When fascia is dehydrated, it can lead to many postural compensations, contributing to back pain and other musculoskeletal issues.
● Enhanced Circulation—When our fascia is hydrated, it positively impacts our nervous and circulatory systems. Hydrated fascia ensures that blood and lymphatic fluids can circulate effectively throughout the body. This helps many physiological processes, like nutrient delivery to cells and removal of waste products, promoting overall cellular health and vitality.
How to Hydrate Your Fascia with Nutrition
When it comes to fascia hydration, it is not how much water you drink, but how much water your cells can absorb to keep you hydrated.
● Drink Water—The most obvious way to hydrate your fascia is to drink enough water. Of course, this is very individual to each of us, depending on our daily activity level. However, a good rule of thumb is to aim for at least eight glasses a day, more if you’re physically active or live in a hot climate, and spend your day outside. However, drinking water is not good enough to hydrate your body and fascia.
● Electrolytes – We want to make sure our cells are hydrated inside, not just outside, and for that, we need healthy electrolyte balance. Sodium, chloride, and potassium are the three most common — and probably the most important for hydration — but bicarbonate, magnesium, calcium, and phosphate are also essential, especially for soft tissues. There is more into that balance. You can watch the video on fascia hydration through nutrition here.
● Hydrating Foods – Whole vegetables and fruits are very important for your hydration. Especially those that contain fiber. Eating a diet rich in water-dense fruits and vegetables, such as starfruit, watermelon, strawberries, cucumbers, celery, and radishes. These foods help to hydrate your body from the inside out.
How To Hydrate Fascia Through Movement?
● Movement is critical for fascia hydration. However, not every motion hydrates the body equally. Variety of motion is key for fascia hydration to reach all our cells and tissues.
● When we stop moving, our fascia becomes dry & sticky.
● There are principles that we must apply to hydrate our fascia through movement.
● In Resync Your Body fascia training, there are 30 routines that focus on hydration and elasticity, starting from the ground up.
● Using fascia-hydrating tools, like soft myofascial release balls that support the flow of fluids through the fascia, can be very beneficial to keep your fascia hydrated and healthy.