Why Cyber Security Training Concept is so popular?
Do you want to get acquainted with the basic concepts of cyber security as quickly as possible? Do you need to understand some principles and mechanisms of cyber security in practice? Don’t know what further education to choose in cyber security, or do you just need to opt for one of the follow-up courses? Then don’t hesitate and attend our webinar, which will become your ticket to the world of cyber security.
Perhaps no one missed the information on the need to increase cyber security in IT contracts and especially in public contracts, the subject of which are supplies and services using communication and information technologies. This topic is publicized in more detail, especially in connection with the warning against the use of technical and software resources.
What is Cyber Security and its training?
The term cyber security can be briefly summarized as a set of legal, organizational and technical means aimed at ensuring the protection of cyberspace, in which the creation, processing and exchange of information formed by information systems takes place.
The course intended for professionals in the field of cyber security acquaints in depth with the Decree or certification on Cyber Security course in UK and provides support for its implementation in practice. The key sections of the decree are described in non-technical language and supplemented by recommendations, comments and specific examples. In addition to the theoretical explanation, participants from the ranks of managers, auditors and architects of cyber security can try to put their theoretical knowledge into practice in an interactive workshop based on the profile of a fictitious office. Passage through the course is not limited in time and it is possible to return to all materials published in the form of an online manual at any time, even as an unregistered user. However, registered users will gain access to the premium club, which will open the possibility of discussion, testing and obtaining a certificate proving study activities.
The cyber security course deals with the creation of training materials for the cyber security manager according to the law on cyber security. The theoretical part deals with the introduction into the context of cyber security, its regulation by legislation for certain organizations and the information security management system. The practical part of the work is reserved for the training course itself. At the beginning of the course, we will get acquainted with the law and decree of cyber security and the duties of the manager with a focus on state institutions. For educational purposes, a fictitious organization in the public sector is proposed to increase awareness and the possibility of simulating the decision-making of the roles involved. Training material is created for this fictitious organization, which is the content of the course. After completing the practical part, this course is applied to real subjects and the results are evaluated.
Who can pursue this cyber security course?
The Networking course in UK is intended for all who want to get a basic overview of available methods and tools for securing corporate and home computers. Participants will get acquainted with the basics risks and the IT security situation, which is currently very poor. Furthermore, participants will receive basic awareness of the legislative framework of this issue. Traces will also be a topic left in the digital world and the possibility of their misuse.