Which plants are called flowering hedges?
Planting flowering hedges around your home will help you grow flowering plants that are easy to maintain. Multiple flowering varieties can be planted together to form a flowering hedge, which has many benefits for homeowners, including offering privacy and screening unsightly views. Climbers like honeysuckle and jasmine can be trained onto wire supports to create flowering vines, while ground covers like English ivy make great flowering hedges indoors or outdoors.
Flowering hedges are generally used as formal features in larger gardens, but they also make lovely borders along the edges of smaller properties where they will provide additional interest during the changing seasons. Plants suited to making flowering hedges include acuba variegated, clematis vine, autumn blooming Abelia, flowering bamboo and flowering jasmine.
Several types of flowering hedges can be grown in different places or climates.
A flowering hedge is a hedge that bears flowers, usually large ones like roses. The flowering hedge rose, also known as Rosa mulliganii, has light pink flowers with white centers and was named for its resemblance to the Sydney Harbor Bridge. It grows between 4 feet and 8 feet high during summer months but only reaches about 3 feet high during winter months. A second species, the Chinese flowering hedge rose (Rosa sericea), is more drought-resistant than the former species and has dark pink flower petals with cream-colored centers. This plant prefers full sun exposure and reaches between 3 feet and 8 feet high during the flowering season.
A flowering lawn is a grass lawn that contains flowering plants other than turfgrasses, making it colorful throughout the year. The flowering lawns process begins by planting specific flowering plants in between the blades of grass, which are then mowed like standard lawns. While there are many different flowering lawn options available to homeowners looking to add a little something extra to their summer landscape design plans, the most popular flowering lawn varieties include purple coneflower, liriope or lilac verbena. Some flowering lawns require more maintenance, others less; however, all contain at least one dominant species of flowering plant that provides color for an extended amount of time each summer.
A flowering tree is a tree that also bears flowers and provides shade, like flowering maples (Abutilon spp.). Although flowering maple trees can be grown as either flowering hedges or flowering trees, they’re often grown as flowering hedges in smaller gardens. The flowering maple tree’s size makes it ideal for smaller yards with limited sunlight exposure. Many flowering maple varieties bear colorful blooms of red, pink and yellow during the summer months.
A flowering shrub is a type of flowering hedge that exhibits flower buds throughout the year and produces more flowers than other types of landscaping plants that grow into perennials or ground covers.