What Your Agency Needs to Know about Getting Paid on Time
If you’re running an agency, you know how important it is to get paid on time. Unfortunately, getting your clients to pay promptly can be difficult, especially if they aren’t familiar with the business model of an agency (and not all are). What does this mean for you? It means that you need to get familiar with different billing software that can help you get paid on time or even before it’s due. This article will take you through the benefits of three steps to get Paid on Time major business models and what invoice software works best with each one, as well as how to talk to your clients about paying on time.
3 Easy Steps to Get Paid On Time
For B2B companies, getting fast payments can be a real challenge. Having multiple clients with different payment cycles can leave cash tied up. And when business owners have to wait days or weeks for payment, it creates undue stress and impedes operations. However, there’s a better way: Not only can agencies pay their bills digitally through efficient invoice management software, but they can also implement additional financial solutions to help them get paid quicker too! Digital invoice software is all about helping you get paid faster. With cloud-based software that helps you send invoices quickly and follow up, an agency has many options for faster payment. These include subscription billing, digital invoice software, and agency billing software. Here are 3 easy steps your agency needs to take if you want money in your pocket sooner rather than later.
- Work out your payment terms with your client in advance
- Make sure you’re charging them in a way that makes you money
- Get yourself some digital invoice software!
Few Tips For Choosing The Right Invoice Software For Your Agency
In order for your business to run smoothly, you need a billing solution that allows you and your team members access anywhere. With digital invoicing software, it is easier than ever for your agency to submit and manage its clients’ payments digitally and in real-time. If you are in search of invoice software that is affordable, has streamlined features but yet maintains flexibility; Invoicera Invoice might be what you’re looking for.
Here are few tips to help you choose right invoice software for your agency
1. Scalability – You want invoicing software that can scale with your company as it grows over time without breaking bank.
2. Mobile Accessibility – The best thing about e-invoicing solutions these days is their ability to allow users access any document from any place at any time using only a mobile device or desktop computer.
3. Payment Scheduling – The invoice should allow user select custom date ranges to be paid by client instead of just monthly due dates
4. Multi-Tenant Integrations – This feature is great if you frequently collaborate with other agencies because then all parties involved will have convenient access to updated invoices and financial reports .
5. Multi-currency support – If your agency frequently works with multinational companies, multi-currency support feature comes handy.
6. Workflow Automation – Workflow automation helps automate common tasks saving you precious time.
7. Financial Reporting & Forecasting– Invoicing enables businesses track revenue, billable hours and expenses which can be helpful when performing budgeting activities or creating forecasts.
8. API Connectivity– API connectivity makes it possible to integrate tools like CRM systems into invoicing platforms allowing users extract data instantly.
9. Security Features – Security features include things like encryption technology and two factor authentications via email/SMS.
10. Design Customization – Allow Agency create a unique design for its customers making them feel special.
Invoicing can be tedious and time-consuming; you’re constantly chasing down payments. By using digital invoice software, you can simplify your invoicing process and collect payments more quickly. Another benefit of digital invoice software is that it provides an additional layer of security for your clients’ payment information and data. If you’re interested in setting up a subscription billing or agency billing account with us, we offer free trials that allow you to try out our software before buying.
SOURCE: 10 Brilliant Ways to Invoice Clients to Get Your Agency Paid