What Will Digital Photography in 2021 Is Like?
What will analog photography in 2021 looks like? Will it still be digital? Digital is quickly becoming the “in thing” and its replacement, though not popularly embraced by consumers, is an excellent way to go. Digital photography has many advantages over traditional film photography that were briefly touched on in previous articles, but there are also some disadvantages that must be addressed before we move on.
Digital photography is the dawn of a new era for photography. It is the age of the camera and as such, the camera manufacturer must design their equipment to fit the needs of the camera user. The first camera to hit the market was the SLR, or single lens reflex, camera. The SLR is a camera with a solid state microprocessor, which eliminates the need for a battery. This eliminates much of the weight of a digital SLR and its accompanying accessories and makes for easy, continuous photography.
In the future, every camera will be equipped for digital photography. While films will most likely continue to be manufactured, they will not be able to compete with the technological improvements found in digital cameras. Digital film will most likely be expensive and require developing, something that will cost the manufacturer an arm and a leg. Film photographers will have to either learn how to develop their own film or purchase film from a dealer at a hefty price.
Most likely, in the future, all cameras will be equipped with a built-in on-board copy machine. This copy machine will allow the user to make a copy of their film directly to their computer. Since the camera will already be equipped for digital photography, there will be no need for the photographer to purchase film. If the user does wish to buy film, the best bet is to buy a small, lightweight digital camera.
Even though the technology is available for digital photography, there will always be a place for film. There are many people that prefer the look, feel and quality of film. There is also a market for prints. With digital photography on the rise, there are more options for consumers. Everyone will have an individual preference; some like vibrant colors and others prefer a grainy look.
If you think that digital photography is going to be your choice of photography in 2021, it may be a good idea to look into getting a few sets of film. That way, if you change your mind you can simply take the rolls of film with you. It may seem like a large investment, but if you use it over time it can actually end up being cheaper than buying a new digital camera. The photographer does not even have to get rid of the film once he/she graduates from a photography degree.