What Are Braces?
Let’s say you have some crooked teeth, and you’ve heard of these things called braces. What are braces? We apply a device termed dental braces and wires with an adhesive to your teeth which repositions them into a more favorable position. This creates an aesthetic smile by having teeth properly aligned. Orthodontist Greystone AL
Your teeth will fit and function better in the posterior of your mouth better too. Teeth that function and fit together well will survive together well. Common issues like the ability to keep your teeth clean, or their ability to withstand wear from chewing & possibly grinding, etc. can be improved by having your teeth properly aligned.
Yes, everyone wants a beautiful smile, but an often overlooked by-product of braces is the positive impact it has on the health of your teeth. What we try to ensure with the result we provide, are teeth which not only look great but also are board quality that we would want for ourselves or our family members.
How do I take care of my braces?
Having braces may change your oral hygiene routine and the way you clean your teeth. Sometimes a new or modified brush is provided to you. We like to recommend that you brush your teeth daily for two minutes. Orthodontist Inverness
We also sit down with you and show you on a model exactly what to expect. In some cases, your diet may change to avoid harsh, crunchy foods & snacks. But, in the long run it is worth the temporary changes so you can benefit from having beautiful, properly aligned teeth.