What Muscles Do You Use With the Cable Crossover Machine?
Did you know that you use your chest muscles to move your hands? Yes, that’s right. Your chest muscles are responsible for moving your hands up, down, and across the body. Simple functions such as opening the door and scratching your head require the chest muscles. With all the work that they have to do, they need lots of exercises to keep them strong and to function well. The cable crossover machine, for example, is one of the best exercises for these muscles. It targets the major and minor chest muscles depending on the variation. Here are more details.
Cable Crossover and Chest Muscle
There are two muscles on each side of your chest—the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor. As the name suggests, the pectoralis major does most of the work. The pectoralis minor is smaller and works on motions that involve your back. These two muscles require enough exercise to make them in shape and functioning effectively. While there are several exercises you can use, the cable crossover machine is the most effective. It works on both muscles depending on how you structure the cables. The most common variations include:
High Cable Crossover
Also referred to as standing cable crossover is the most common cable exercise in most gyms. It requires positioning the cables high enough, ensuring they only drop slightly above your shoulder. Ensure you fix the right weight before you start pulling. Then, standing between the handles, pull the weight forward and bend your elbows slightly, ensuring your hands meet or cross over (hence the name) in front of your chest. At this point, squeeze your chest muscles for a few muscles before you slowly return your arms to the starting position.
Muscles Worked: This variation works on the pectoralis major, minor, rhomboids, and parts of the shoulders such as the levator, scapulae, and anterior deltoids.
Mid-Chest Cable Crossover
With this variation, the cables should drop at the level of your armpits. Therefore, you should walk a few paces before you start pulling. Ensure your hands meet and cross as you squeeze your chest muscles.
Muscles worked: this variation is ideal for the pectoralis major muscles, and it touches on the anterior deltoid (shoulder)
Overall Crossover Benefits
If you’re looking to build the famous 6 pecs, a crossover cable is one of the best remedies. However, you must combine it with other routines and a clean diet.
- It’s good for your shoulders, arms, core, and glute muscles.
- It improves your shoulder stability and range of motion.
- Like other exercises, it’s crucial for your mental and physical well-being.
Precautions When Taking This Exercise
- Use the right equipment. Ensure the equipment is high quality to avoid accidents
- If you have no experience with this exercise, work with a trainer to avoid hurting yourself. They’ll show you how to fix the weights, set the cables, and execute.
Crossover cable machines are one of the best ways to work your chest muscles. It works on your major and minor pectoralis, keeping them strong and functioning. Other benefits include strengthening your arms and shoulders.