What is Turbinate Swelling? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Turbinate swelling is the inflammation of the turbinates, which are amongst the nasal respiratory structures in the human body. Nasal turbinate swelling can be caused by several things, from conditions that turn benign to the tissues of the nose to more serious conditions that can be life-threatening.
What are Turbinates?
You have three sets of turbinates in your nose. The inferior turbinate, the middle turbinate, and the superior turbinate. They are bone structures found in the nose that help to regulate airflow and ensure that inhaled air is properly humidified.
The function of the turbinates is to humidify and filter inhaled air. The body relies on this filtering process as a natural defence mechanism against external airborne particles or germs entering the lungs. Furthermore, by regulating airflow through the nose, these structures also prevent excessive dryness within the nasal passages (leading to various inflammatory conditions such as rhinitis).
What are Swollen Turbinates?
When you have swollen turbinates, the airway in your nose becomes obstructed. This is because the mucous membrane that lines the turbinates is swollen. The turbinate bones are also bigger and thicker than normal. This causes breathing difficulties, congestion and nasal blockage, which can be very disruptive to your daily life.
Several different factors can cause swollen turbinates. One of them is having an infection, either a general viral or bacterial infection or one that occurs in the nose (rhinitis). Allergies can cause inflammation as well, as can a cold. Irritants can also cause turbinate swelling in your environments like dust, smoke or chemicals, or even changes in weather or temperature. Finally, it could occur from physical damage to the nose from an injury.
Symptoms of Turbinate Swelling
If you have turbinate swelling, you might experience these symptoms:
- Sneezing
- Nasal congestion
- Runny nose
- Headache
- Fatigue
- Sinus pressure
Causes of Turbinate Swelling
Several factors: can cause turbinate swelling
- Allergies
- Nasal polyps
- Sinus infections
- Deviated septum
- Medication side effects
- Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during puberty and pregnancy. These are linked to allergic rhinitis.
If you suffer from nasal congestion, it’s very common to have swollen turbinates. Other causes of nasal swelling include:
- Nasal trauma (e.g., broken nose)
- Tumours
Treatment for turbinate swelling
There are several treatments for turbinate swelling, including:
- Oral corticosteroids
- Nasal decongestants
- Nasal corticosteroids
- Nasal antihistamines
- Nasal saline sprays
- Oral antihistamines
- Antibiotics
The treatment you receive depends on the severity of your symptoms and the cause. Most people with turbinate swelling can be treated successfully with over-the-counter or prescription medications. However, surgical removal may be necessary to permanently reduce your turbinates’ size in rare cases. Contact your doctor if you have persistent nasal congestion and breathing problems that may require surgery.