What is the difference between traditional liposuction vs Vaser liposuction?
Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure. It entails the removal of unwelcome fat deposits from various body parts. Vaser liposuction and traditional liposuction are two of the most popular methods, though there are other techniques for performing this procedure. This article will discuss the differences between Vaser liposuction and conventional liposuction.
Differences Between Traditional Liposuction and Vaser Liposuction:
Although both procedures remove some extra fat from the body yet there are some major differences. Read on to learn some of the major differences here:
The Difference Between Procedures:
Traditional Liposuction:
The other name of Traditional liposuction is suction-assisted liposuction (SAL). It is a procedure that entails making tiny incisions in the treated area. Liposuction in Islamabad then entails the insertion of a hollow tube known as a cannula. After breaking up the fat cells with the back-and-forth motions of the cannula, the suctioning of broken fat cells from the body happens. In contrast to Vaser liposuction, the procedure typically involves general anesthesia and necessitates a longer recovery period.
Vser Liposuction:
Contrarily, Vaser liposuction emulsifies the fat prior to removal from the body using ultrasound technology. To accomplish this, the surgeon inserts a tiny probe into the desired location. The probe then emits ultrasonic waves, which fragment the fat cells. Surgeon uses a tiny cannula to suction out the liquefied fat. Vaser liposuction, which only needs local anesthesia and requires less downtime than conventional liposuction, is regarded as a minimally invasive procedure.
The Difference in Method of Fat Removal:
The method of fat removal varies between Vaser liposuction and conventional liposuction, which is one of the key differences. Vaser liposuction breaks up the fat before suctioning it out. In contrast to traditional liposuction, which physically suctions the fat out. Vaser liposuction becomes less traumatic to the surrounding tissues as a result, making it a gentler procedure.
Degree of Variation Between Two Procedures:
The degree of precision varies between the two methods, which is another difference. The surgeon has less control over how much fat is removed during traditional liposuction because it is a more manual procedure. Vaser liposuction, on the other hand, enables more accurate targeting of particular areas and more detailed body sculpting.
The Difference on the Base of Area Treated:
You may use Vaser liposuction on more delicate body parts like the arms and neck. Whereas, in those areas more conventional liposuction techniques might not be as successful. Gynecomastia (male breast enlargement), which can be challenging to treat with conventional liposuction, is one condition that you can treat with Vaser liposuction.
The Difference on the Base of Recovery Time:
The quicker recovery with Vaser liposuction is another advantage. While Vaser liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that can be completed as an outpatient procedure, traditional liposuction calls for general anesthesia and may necessitate a longer hospital stay.
Vaser Liposuction Has More Risks:
Vaser liposuction does have some potential risks, though. One issue is the possibility of thermal injury to the tissues in the immediate vicinity because the ultrasonic waves used in the procedure can produce heat. Burns or tissue damage can result from this, though these are relatively uncommon when carried out by a qualified and skilled surgeon.
The Difference on the Base of Cost:
Cost is yet another potential negative. Vaser liposuction typically costs more than traditional liposuction because it requires specialized equipment and training to perform.
How to Decide Between Traditional and Vaser Liposuction?
The choice between traditional and Vaser liposuction depends on a number of variables, including the amount of fat that needs to be removed, the desired result, the body part being treated, and the patient’s specific requirements and preferences. For larger areas of fat removal, traditional liposuction might be appropriate, whereas Vaser liposuction might be more accurate and efficient for smaller areas. To decide which procedure is best for you, it’s crucial to speak with a licensed and skilled plastic surgeon.
In conclusion, both conventional liposuction and Vaser liposuction are efficient ways to get rid of extra body fat. Traditional liposuction is a more labor-intensive, manual procedure that necessitates general anesthesia and necessitates a longer recovery period, but it might be more suitable for some patients and circumstances. On the other hand, Vaser liposuction is a gentler and more precise procedure that can be done as an outpatient with a quicker recovery. In the end, the decision between traditional liposuction and Vaser liposuction will be based on the needs and preferences of the patient as well as the surgeon.
Book Your Consultation with SKN Cosmetics Islamabad if you want to get rid of your extra fat. We have state-of-the-art technology to help you get the body of your dreams.