What is Embryo in Simple Words?
In Simple words, the Early Stage of an Unborn Child in the womb of a Woman is known as an Embryo.
What are the Stages of Embryonic Development?
The Union of a Woman’s Ovum with Male Sperms in the Fallopian Tube leads to a Fertilized Egg known as Zygote. The Zygote forms into a Blastula by attaching itself to the Uterine Lining in the Uterus and becomes a Placenta. The Placenta provides the Nutrients from the mother that helps in developing the Embryo.
What is In Vitro Fertilization Or IVF?
IVF Process is the Fertilization of Male Sperms with Retrieved Eggs of a Woman to Create Embryos in a Laboratory which are then implanted in the Ovaries of a woman to create a successful Pregnancy.
When should one consider IVF?
A married couple who is unable to conceive naturally through unprotected sex after 12 months require some or the other infertility treatment options like IUI Treatment or IVF Treatment.
What are the Indications that Require IVF Treatment?
Most IVF Doctor’s in India call out the following indications as per Tests.
- Disorders in Ovulation.
- Endometriosis or Fibroids or Cysts.
- Damaged or Blocked Fallopian Tubes.
- Genetic Disorders.
- Male Infertility issues relating to Sperm Count or Motility.
Book an Appointment with one of India’s Best IVF Doctor, Dr Mona Dahiya to know more about starting your Family through IVF.Visit www.littleangelivf.com to Know More or visit one of our IVF Clinic’s in India with Centres in Noida, Delhi & Gurgaon.