What is Black Tea? and Its effects
Tea drinking has gained new attention as a therapeutic beverage in recent years. It’s true that there are many varieties of tea that a consumer can choose from. Therefore, if you haven’t thoroughly researched the issue, you may not be able to tell one kind of tea from another.
You’re certainly not alone if you’re unaware of health benefits of black tea. It is a unique and relaxing drink that is unfamiliar to many people. Black tea, however, can make you want to trade in your daily cup of java for a cup of tea once you learn about it. Learn more about what makes Taiwanese black tea special.
A geography lesson
To truly understand the phenomenon of black tea, you must first know the small geography. Black tea flowers at elevated altitudes, like those found in the blue mountains of the Himalayas. Assam, which has more than 800 properties specifically oriented towards tea cultivation, constitutes one of the largest tea producers in the world. This black tea can be mixed with tea or African ceilings to produce English or Irish tea.
This mixture often occurs in European cities such as Hamburg or Amsterdam. However, no problem teas are also quite popular: such teas are known for the term “unique goods teas”.
The tea leaves are ordered, then go through natural fermentation. Through this oxidation process, tea leaves change green to black. The next step of the process involves the packing of tea, which is then given a mark. In recent years, black tea has become the most popular drink in the world, whether you feel hot or cold.
The phenomenal effects of black tea.
One of the key reasons for the phenomenal popularity of black tea is its soothing nature. Anecdotally, tea drinkers have been saying for years, black tea can help calm unstable nerves, but now there is scientific research to demonstrate the point.
Scientists from College London University, in a study published in Psychopharmacology, discovered that black tea can reduce cortisol levels, a stress hormone, in the bloodstream. The study showed that black tea drinkers could reduce their levels of stress faster than individuals who consumed a tea substitute.
The study examined 75 young men who were divided into two groups and was monitored for a period of six weeks. A group drank a mix of caffeine tea that was flavoured and consists of the components found in black tea. The second group received a placebo that contained caffeine and who knew tea, but that actually did not contain tea.
In addition, the two groups were subjected to stressful situations, the possibility of unemployment, an accusation of an incident at home or an incident of the family. The members of the group had to prepare an oral response and declare their case before a camera. As they underwent the stressful incident, researchers measured their cortisol, blood pressure and blood platelet levels.
Scientists found that these situations resulted in significant increases in blood pressure and cardiac rates for both groups. However, almost an hour after the situation had died, the tea drinkers experienced a fall of almost 50% at their cortisol levels. The group that had taken placebos saw only a 27% decrease in its cortisol count. Tea drinkers also reported being more relaxed than the non-tea drinkers did.
As the researcher, Andrew Steptoe counted the media, “drinking tea has traditionally associated with stress relief, and many people believe that drinking tea helps them relax after facing the tensions of everyday life … although It does not seem to reduce the real levels. Of the stress we experience, tea seems to have a greater effect to bring normality to the levels of stress hormones. “
Steptoe added: “This has important health implications because slow recovery after acute stress has been associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases, such as coronary disease.”
Meanwhile, according to a USDA study, the consumption of black tea can reduce the levels of bad cholesterol and can reduce the incidence of heart disease for people who are at risk. In addition, a number of studies have indicated that the constant consumption of black tea can protect the body against numerous human cancers.
Some final thoughts
To describe black tea as a miraculous cure would be not correct. A drink does not guarantee that one will never suffer from a serious illness. Many studies have suggested that this is not true, however
As a result, you might like to try black tea. As far as I can tell, there are no significant negative side-effects associated with drinking it, and there is evidence to support its value as a healthy alternative