What Is A Floor Sanding And Why Is It Important To Me?
Floor sanding is a process where you sand the top layer of your floor with a floor sander.
Floor sanding and floor treatment thus gives you beautiful floors that look like new.
A professional Gulvafslibning and subsequent treatment of your floors can also save you a lot of money in the long run, and with ongoing maintenance you extend the life of the wooden floor.
What can a floor sanding do for you and your floors?
Depending on how deep you sand, it is called either a light sanding or a full sanding. It is assessed on the basis of the condition of the wooden floor.
Easy sanding: For some wooden floors, it is not necessary to sand the wood itself. You can just sand off the old surface treatment and then lay a new floor treatment. It is a simple treatment that can easily prolong the life of your floor.
Full sanding: If your floors have deeper scratches and damage, you should typically have a full sanding done. It consists of sanding a very thin layer of the wooden floor surface and then laying a new floor treatment.
Should you have a varnished floor or a painted wooden floor, a floor planing will most likely be necessary?
Floor sanding in the right and the wrong way
A good floor sanding results in you:
- Extends the life of your hardwood floor
- Gets a nice and even wooden floor
- Saves money on replacement
If, on the other hand, a floor sanding is performed incorrectly or poorly, it can have major consequences. Both for your wooden floor and your economy. It can mean:
- A damaged wooden floor that needs to be replaced if it has been sanded too deep
- An uneven wooden floor with a poor balance
- Broken / damaged baseboards and door frames
It is therefore important to always use a professional flooring company with good reviews who know what they are doing and working with.
It is for the above reasons that, as a rule of thumb, we do not recommend that you sand your wooden floor yourself, but instead use a professional floor sander.
Should you still have the courage to start the floor sanding yourself at home to save money on floor sanding, we recommend that you contact a professional floor sander before you start.