What Are The Various Steps To Dry A Mattress Fast?
Mattresses are one of the important parts of your room and bed. If it is wet due to some reason such as a spill, a leaking proof, or other then it can retain moisture and finallylead to mould. So, a mouldy mattress might damage your health, smell terrible, and cause other problems too. When you buy a mattress in Delhi, then you may also purchase a mattress cover for its protection. But if you don’t have a mattress protector then you should follow several steps to dry it fast. Hence, in this post, you will find various steps you will need to for drying your mattress efficiently.
# List of steps need to follow for drying a mattress:
In the first step, you have to strip the sheets and look for the damage. Sprinkle baking soda generously onto the liquid for smaller areas and this will also help with any odours too.
After that, by using a towel blot the affected spot. You don’t have to rub it hard, just press the towel so that liquid goes more deeply into the mattress. Moreover, you can also press down it with some heavyweight to let the towel absorb more liquid.
To get rid of the baking soda, use a vacuum. Also, use a hairdryer on high heat for targeting the spot. For at least 20 minutes, give the heat directly at the wet stain. Allow it to cool and check it. If there is still dampness then repeat with the hairdryer.
You can also stand the mattress up so that there would be airflow on both sides.
In case the water damage is high then check both sides of a mattress and dry it. Repeat the process with baking soda and hair dryer on both sides as mould can grow within the mattress; so it’s significant to take this precaution.
Moreover, in a mattress shop in Delhi, you will find many mattresses that claim that there will be less mould if it is wet. If you buy that mattress and then also there is too much liquid damage done to a mattress then you can also try some chemical neutralizers. On the other hand, if you recognize that there are odours, then it is better to call a professional to use machinery and deal with the problem efficiently.
# Final Words
When your mattress is wet and it is good to dry it soon. Apart from this, if you are planning to purchase a mattress in Delhi then you can ask them for a mattress protector with your purchase. Therefore, we hope that this post will surely help you in gaining more knowledge regarding drying a mattress fast and capably.