What are The Uses of PVT Apparatus? How Does it Work?
Defining PVT Apparatus
The PVT Apparatus is a unique and modified piece of equipment initially designed by Rapra Technology Ltd. Its function is to measure the specific volume of a particular amount of oil or Gas to determine its pressure and temperature.
Uses of PVT Apparatus
The apparatus is widely and commonly used in various scientific and international laboratories for the following purposes.
Let’s find out why it is so popular.
To Determine Bubble Point
The geologists use this apparatus to determine the sample fluid’s bubble point in a reservoir, such as an oil well or a tank. This apparatus recovers the undersaturated or dissolved Gas with its advanced recovery method effortlessly. It has now become possible to recover a large percentage of the oil using an advanced recovery method.
Process of Flash Liberation
The system is used to process flash liberation that involves a sudden pressure change. The machine causes the crude oil to quickly separate into a gas and oil mixture through its high-pressure pumps.
Process Differential Liberation
PVT apparatus also allows the test sample solution to reach equilibrium in the differential liberation process. The Gas that liberates from the liquid solution gets continuously removed from the sample.
Now that we have discussed the PVT apparatus’s functions, let’s dig in to see its specifications and features.
Significant Features of PVT apparatus
Fully Automated & Computer Controlled
PVT is a computer-controlled and automated apparatus that helps in determining and collecting accurate and precise data. It is designed to measure the volume over a range of (5 – 200 MPa) pressures and (23° -380°C) temperatures.
Windows-based Operation
The apparatus offers sample visibility through a window cell, making the visual observation of the fluid interesting and more effortless. A built-in video camera in the cell helps record the fluid phases in real-time, and the video tools permit the end-user to rectify the pressure, volume, and temperature of each step.
Precise Measurement
The system has a motorized rocking system that puts the cell in an exact position before precisely measuring a fluid volume. It is embedded with the rocking system that allows the fluids recombination to rock quicker. Its high-pressure pumps efficiently control the pressure and volume of the reservoir fluid in the cell.
Full visual PVT consists of:
- Maximum Temperature Range: Ambient to 190°C
- Temperature regulation: ± 0.2 °C
- Pressure / volume: 10,000 psi (Visual model) 25,000 psi (High-Pressure model)
- Volume: 500 mL
- Visual volume: 500 mL
- Volume accuracy: 0.001 ml
- Temperature: +/- 0.1°C
- Pressure accuracy: 0.02% Full scale
- Power supply: 220 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Accuracy on measurements:
- Pressure: 0.1 bar
- Liquid deposits: 0.005 mL
Requires Minute Maintenance
PVT apparatus requires little maintenance, and due to its reliability, it is the most commonly used analytical system in both international and scientific laboratories.
Magnetic Stirring system
The apparatus ensures quick equilibrium of sample phases and sufficient fluid mixing with the help of the magnets mounted in its chamber.
Other Specifications Include:
- Visual Phase Boundary
- Detection in Both Gas and liquid Condensate Studies
- Massive Cell Volumes
- Flexible Configuration for Several Studies
- Optional Modules for Measuring Density, Viscosity, and Solid Precipitation
- Designed for Operator Security
- Mercury-Free Design
In conclusion…
The purpose why any refinery company would decide to use a PVT apparatus is that it proves to refine the value of the oil extracted from a well. It helps in determining the compositional analysis of different types of oils.
Each oil refinery company generates heavy and light crude oils from several processes. The apparatus yields precise and computer-controlled data logging, a convenient approach for accurate determination in exact measurements for various oil refinery methods.
As we have discussed, the detailed specifications, features, and usage of a PVT apparatus. We would love to know if you found this information beneficial in the comments below.