Ways to Become a Successful Online Teacher
Tired of offline classes and wasting energy, time, and money on the road? The student left for another city and still wants to study with you? Want to know where to start teaching online?
The online tuition platform is the name for you. With the evolution of technology, teaching and learning have revolutionized. The recent statistics have cleared that the eLearning market will improve up to $325 Billion in 2025. The retention rate boosted up from 25% to 60%.
Teaching online demands a different type of interaction with the students. For an effective tutor, there are several practices that you could follow. Some of them are defined in this article. To know- keep on reading!
How to be an efficient Online teacher
Offer personalized support
If you are not in the same classroom as your students, this does not mean that your online students do not need you. Distance learning course methods are designed to teach without your physical presence. However, remote learners may still need to interact with a teacher, so offer them this opportunity. Suggest a time when they can reach you by phone or messenger or another online medium. It is a good idea to create a closed discussion group that they can connect to and receive ongoing support from you.
Be creative
The nature of online learning means that you are not in the same physical space as your online learners. Therefore, you need to find unconventional ways to interact with them. You can, for example, engage in ways that are not necessarily educational. For example, maintain a daily chat thread covering current affairs and topics of interest.
The idea is to get your students to actively participate. It is better to post interesting information on the topic of the course, it should not be academic, but always interesting and entertaining.
Maintain professionalism
In many ways, online courses are less formal than offline learning. You are not in the same classroom as your students, so you can take classes anywhere. Many online students practice in their formal dresses, during lunch breaks, or when traveling on public transport. This level of flexibility is good on the one hand, but it is relaxing, so you need to maintain your professional level. Always plan your lessons, make a schedule, in general, do whatever you would do offline learning. This can include changing clothes for the lesson, even if your students don’t. This shows your authority and improves the quality of the study material.
Remain a learner
Many are somewhat dismissive of teachers, based on the prejudice that teaching and doing are not the same thing. But in fact, many professional athletes leave for coaching careers, many successful businessmen conduct training and courses, and there are many such examples. But your role as a German tutor online certainly requires you to grow professionally all the time. Learning yourself and teaching others is a great option to visit your students’ place and at the same time pump your knowledge.
Use only the best Resources
As the learners are already equipped on laptops, or PCs and are using the internet for signing up to the learning platform, the useful resources for them are available online. With the usage of different easily accessible and related resources, like, online videos, new websites, and digital publications, the students will be more engaged than studying from an outdated textbook. When feasible, mobile content is absolute, then always remember to add any content to be accessed on your mobile device and smartphone.
Request For Feedback
After the second or third week, you must ask the learners for honest and direct feedback about how things are going on. The feedback must include everything from teaching methods to content and ask the areas which need improvement. The best method to achieve this is to adopt a certain formal tone, then post some content on the discussion board and find what will pop up.
Find a source of motivation
Online learners must have the drive and determination to actively learn. Effective mentoring and structured eLearning course content will enable them to grow enormously. Their motivation must be maintained until the end of the training. Find out what made them decide to study. Most students study online because they want to get a promotion or move into a new job. This will allow you to customize lesson plans according to their needs. Provide them with the personalized support they need, as well as motivate them further towards their goal.
Think Before You Write
This is not only an imperative principle to be followed by teaching staff, but it should be delivered to all students from the very beginning. As this is known to all that the written texts can be interpreted or misunderstood at any time, so careful design of replies and posts is essential.
When responding to evaluations and other assignments, it is best to use a clear, simple, and polite tone. Since these answers are all that students must leave in terms of feedback, you don’t need to leave anything to explain.
Many in childhood did not like to study at school, but they had favorite subjects and, as a rule, the reason was the teacher. As a teacher yourself, you can make your eLearning course much more successful if you teach it well. Even though your classroom is virtual, online students still need you. Give them your support and use their motivation to nudge them towards self-study.
Do share your thoughts with us. Let us know if there will be any queries or suggestions, we are here to assist you. Thanks for reading!