Unraveling the Spiritual Dimensions of Language and Grammar – Vyakarana | HUA
The Aṣṭādhyāyī authored by Pāṇini is a significant piece of literature presented in the sūtra style, comprising of concise aphorisms. This work serves as the foundation for the grammatical structure of the classical ancient Sanskrit language. Simultaneously, the aforementioned text introduces a comprehensive framework for linguistic analysis that transcends the confines of Sanskrit as a singular linguistic manifestation. The course in question is the fourth installment in a series of four courses that delve into the subject of Vyākaraṇa, or grammar, with a focus on Pāṇini’s Aṣṭādhyāyī. The grammatical formalism established by Pāṇini is based on the Indian philosophical tradition’s language philosophy, which was expounded by Vyāḍi. Following Pāṇini, Bhartṛhari provided a comprehensive explanation of this topic in his compendium entitled Vākyapadīya. This work expounds upon the universal philosophy of language and is regarded as a means of achieving liberation within the Vyākaraṇa tradition.
The course content for Vyakarana – IV is as follows:
This course acquaints students with the philosophical tradition of Vyakarana and offers comparative analysis with other schools of Indian philosophy. The text additionally presents a comprehensive summary of Vakyapadiya, featuring a curated assortment of segments that relate to the fundamental concepts of Vyakarana philosophy.
This course will provide students with the opportunity to:
The comprehension of the philosophy of language that gave rise to the notion of apoddhara (dissection and abstraction) served as the foundation for Panini’s formulation of his Astadhyayi.
Comprehend the act of engaging with language and grammar as a spiritual undertaking.
CONTACT — 407–205–2118
Overview >> Hindu University Of America
EMAIL- saksham.mangwana@hua.edu
Address- 5200 Vineland Rd 125 Orlando, FL 32811