Unlock Your Inner Goddess: 4 Fat Removal Tips
Every woman wants to have a supple, shapely body. But how many women in the world can claim to be truly happy with the way they look? While some have an issue with excess body fat, others don’t like their facial features. Still others want slimmer limbs and there are some that want smoother skin and shinier hair.
Most women are unhappy with their appearance, especially if they’re carrying excess weight. They feel that their visible fat bulges restrict their clothing choices, make them look old and ungainly. They also feel less desirable and attractive. If this is your story, this article is for you.
There are ways to deal with your body fat
Body fat is necessary for you to perform your daily tasks. Women, especially, must have a body fat percentage between 15% to 22% to qualify as healthy. The problem begins when your BMI (Body Mass Index) is higher than it should be for your height. Excess fat around the middle can lead to heart disease, diabetes, renal failure and a host of other serious problems. In essence, excess weight and fat can make you ill and must be dealt with at once. There are things to try from liposuction surgery to a regular exercise routine.
These are our top 4 fat removal tips – try them from now on for the body you always wanted:
#1 Try strength training with cardio.
Most people believe that cardio exercises are the gateway to fat burn and inch loss. They well may be true, but long durations of cardio have a curious effect on your fat reserves: after a quick fat burning start, your body fat stubbornly refuses to budge. This is known as the ‘plateau stage’ where no amount of effort can shift the excess fat. As a result, you can put in solid hours of cardio at the gym or run 2 extra miles, and your body will still look and feel the same. Instead of focussing purely on cardio exercises to shift the weight, intersperse them with strength and weight training. Pumping iron or using your body weight to lift your different muscle groups makes the fat burn faster. Every strength training session causes the muscles to develop micro tears – these heal over 48 hours by burning fat to fuel muscle rebuilding. Try lower body exercises to burn fat faster.
#2 Correct your diet.
What you eat has a direct correlation with how you look and feel. If your diet is rich in trans fats, excess salt, oil and sugar, and you consume fizzy drinks more than you consume plain water, it will all show up in your body as excess fat. Junk food and sodas are high on white sugar and empty calories, and these get stored in various zones of the body as visceral fat. You begin to notice rolls of fat on your back, hips, waist, arms and thighs, with cellulite deposits giving your skin a dimpled, ‘orange peel’ look. Correct your diet if you wish to shift the fatty deposits and increase your longevity. Include seasonal fruit and vegetables in your diet, and substitute white sugar with demerara sugar or honey. Use whole wheat and brown rice, and replace your common salt with rock salt or Himalayan pink salt that have lower sodium content. Tank up on antioxidant-rich green tea, fruit smoothies made with honey and yoghurt, and freshly squeezed juice. These give your body the required amounts of nutrients, keep you full for longer and increase metabolic rate to burn fat. Also, make sure you never skip breakfast, and include whole wheat or brown bread, egg whites and lean meat like steamed chicken in your breakfast for a boost of protein.
#3 Sleep at least seven hours a night.
Poor sleep or sleeping for just three to four hours a night can make you fat. This is because your body, tired from the lack of sleep., stubbornly refuses to burn fat in order to conserve energy. The fat is burnt extremely slowly, while your food is converted into fresh fatty deposits for future use. Aim to get at least seven hours of sleep a night, and maintain a regular sleep schedule. The deeper you sleep, the more the body’s digestive, circulatory and lymphatic processes work better. You can keep the fat away for longer and have more energy for exercise and your daily tasks.
#4 Undergo liposuction surgery in Dubai.
If nothing else works, there’s always the doctor on call. Consult with a leading doctor to undergo liposuction surgery in Dubai. Reputed cosmetic surgeons perform liposuction in Dubai every day, since this procedure is in high demand. It cosmetically removes the fat and readjusts the skin in the treated area to offer a more natural look and prevent sagging. The procedure is safe, but you must have clearance from your other doctors (diabetologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist) if you have pre-existing health conditions. The cosmetic surgeon will check the extent of fatty deposits and recommend how much can be removed in one session. However, you must supplement the results of the procedure with a healthy diet and regular exercise to prevent fat from rebuilding in the treated areas.