Top methods for troubleshooting McAfee antivirus error 2402
McAfee Endpoint Encryption is a American worldwide computer security computer software firm headquartered in Santa Clara, California, which provides data security and access management for business and enterprise-based computers. Eliminate the Endpoint Encryption out of the pc if you don’t have any usage for the application or before updating to a more recent version of this program. Windows includes a native uninstaller utility to assist anyone handle the applications installed on the pc. McAfee, Inc. claims to be the world’s biggest dedicated pc security technology firm. This device-to-cloud cyber-security provider offers security solutions that protect data and prevent threats from apparatus to cloud with the open, proactive, and intelligence-driven strategy.
Symptoms of McAfee Error 2402:
• McAfee error 2402 pop will appear whenever you open your device
• Error 2402 appears suddenly while running a program. You will get this
error message every time you open the same program
• Your running program will crash and error 2402 will be displayed on the
• McAfee error 2402 will appear frequently while working on PC
Common causes of McAfee 2402 run time error
• You have downloaded or install corrupt McAfee files
• You are using an expired plan of McAfee antivirus
• Your Windows files or McAfee files get corrupted
• You have mistakenly deleted McAfee antivirus program files
• Any recent change in McAfee or other program has corrupted Windows
registry files
Top methods for troubleshooting McAfee antivirus error 2402
Renew your McAfee antivirus
You will get numerous errors if you are using the expired version of McAfee. Your device is no more fully secure from malware threats. Go for mcafee renewal with product key and most of your errors will automatically get fixed.
Run system file checker tool
File corruption can lead to McAfee’s 2402 run time error. Windows OS provides an inbuilt file checker tool that scans and restores corrupted files. If this error is occurring due to file corruption then using this tool will troubleshoot the error. Follow the steps given below for running system file checker tool:
1. Open the Windows PC and type command on the search bar
2. Hit the enter button
3. Click on Yes on the permission dialog box
4. Command prompt (black box with a blinking arrow) will be displayed on
the screen
5. Type sfc/scan now and press the Enter button
The file checker tool will start scanning all the program files installed on the PC. This tool will find and fix all the errors and restore all the corrupted files. Now restart your Windows computer and check whether McAfee error 2402 gets fixed or not.
Restore your system
Sometimes the program files get corrupted from any change in settings of any program or driver. Restoring the system can be a potential method for resolving McAfee error 2402. Type system restore on the search bar and press the enter button. You will require the admin authority for running the system tool. Enter your admin credentials and click on the restore button. Now you only have to follow all the provided steps for restoring your device. After restoration, your device will automatically get restart. Now try running McAfee antivirus and check whether error 2402 gets resolved or not.
If you are still getting the same error even after restoring and fixing program files then you should go for McAfee re installation. Uninstall existing McAfee antivirus then provide a fresh McAfee installation on your computer.