Tooth Extractions – What to Expect?
If you have to have tooth extractions Hendersonville NC, you should know what to expect. Here are some things to expect during a simple extraction:
Surgical extractions
While no pain is associated with surgical tooth extractions, you will likely experience post-op discomfort. Your dentist will provide detailed post-surgical instructions, including how to clean your mouth properly. Follow these guidelines closely, so you do not suffer from common complications like dry socket. You can even drink cold or warm compresses to help reduce swelling. Avoid spicy foods, as these will aggravate your mouth’s healing process.
Simple extractions
Simple tooth extraction is a common procedure in dentistry. Despite its name, this procedure does not cause much pain. It is named this way because the shape of the tooth and root is simple. The topmost, cone-shaped front teeth are considered simple extractions. A dental professional may recommend simple tooth extractions when other treatment options aren’t an option. These procedures are performed under local anesthesia. Usually, the process takes only one day to complete.
Simple extractions with sedation dentistry
There are several different levels of sedation dentistry. Patients can be put to sleep for simple extractions or for complex ones. A sedative is a drug that makes you feel less aware of the procedure and almost all sensations. It also causes you to fall asleep. The effect of sedation is amnesia-like, which means you will forget what happened while you are being numbed. In severe cases, a sedative can even make you forget the procedure.
Complications of tooth extractions
There are several complications related to tooth extractions. While the procedure itself is generally safe, you should take the time to follow the postoperative instructions carefully. A gauze pad may be used to control any excessive bleeding. It should be left in place for 30 minutes or so. You should avoid vigorous mouth rinsing or chewing in the affected area for the next few days. This could dislodge the blood clot and result in additional pain and discomfort.
Precautions to take before a tooth extraction
There are many precautions you should follow before tooth extractions Hendersonville NC. First, you should avoid consuming alcohol before the procedure, as it can increase bleeding and delay healing. Avoid chewing on the extraction site and using straws or forcible spitting. You should also limit the amount of physical activity after the procedure and avoid brushing or flossing around the extraction site. Rinse your mouth with water and one teaspoon of salt. Your dentist may give this rinse, but you should check with your physician first.