Tips to Grow Healthier, Longer, Fuller Lashes Before & After Extensions
Lash Extensions are one of the most amazing inventions in lash fashion to date!
For all you ladies (and gentlemen) living an on-the-go lifestyle, but want longer lashes like the stars with no effort, look no further! Lash Extensions are here to save your day. We know they seem like a lot of work, but they’re very quick and easy once you get the hang of it.
Lash Extensions also need a break every now and then. Just like our natural lashes, Lash Extensions grow out with time and need to shed off. Here are some useful tips when taking a break from eyelash extensions that we have learned from our experience.
Why are your eyelashes not growing or falling out?
If your natural lashes are not growing or have started to shed off, we recommend consulting a lash extension stylist at Knoxville, Tn, about the products they use. Some lash products may contain formaldehyde which is not good for you and your lashes.
When washing your face, make sure to wash from under your eye area to avoid getting water in them. Also, make sure you are not tugging on them when taking off your eye makeup because it can rip the lash.
The good news is that there are now great non-toxic lash products on the market!
Different stages of an eyelash growth cycle
Every lash has its own individual growth cycle. This means that while some lashes may be ready to shed off, others may not be, even though they are all extensions you applied at the same time.
Before we jump and talk about different ways to grow your eyelashes back, it’s essential to understand the stages of the lash growth cycle.
1. The Growth Cycle
The growth cycle of the eyelash is divided into 3 parts: Anagen, Catagen, and Telogen. During the first stage (Anagen), the lash grows rapidly for about 4-5 weeks. This is in line with what most people think of as their “lash’s normal length.”
2. The Regression Phase (Catagen)
The Catagen phase is a transitional period of 2-3 weeks, during which the lash stops growing and begins to separate from its follicle. Your eyelash will then continue on this short life cycle for about another 3 months until it sheds completely out. This is where most people will start to notice their lashes shedding.
3. The Resting Phase (Telogen)
As your lash begins to shed, it enters the Telogen stage for up to 3 months; this is when your lash will remain in its “club” until it falls out completely and new lashes begin growing back in its place.
4. The New Growth Phase (Anagen)
This cycle will repeat itself until you eventually die, but what matters is how long your lashes are in the growth phase and how many times it cycles before it sheds again!
Tips for growing out natural lashes before lash extensions
Maintain a healthy diet
Yes, it is just that simple! If you are not getting all your vitamins and nutrients in, then your body will become weak. This makes it harder for your natural lashes to grow out. A great tip before extensions is to take biotin or prenatal vitamins.
These vitamins can help grow your lashes and the overall strength of your body. If you already have eyelash extensions, then use vitamin oil to give some volume!
Wash eyes and moisturize Lash line
You can use any oil that you want, but we highly recommend organic oil. The ingredients are simple and all naturally derived! You can also use coconut oil. Also, wash your eyes with a cleanser that has no perfume or dyes in it. Most cleaners have harsh chemicals in them which can irritate the lashes, so keep your eyelash extension safe from damage.
Comb your eyelashes
Comb your eyelashes with a clean mascara wand. This will help separate your lashes while you are growing them out.
Tips for growing out natural lashes after lash extensions
Do not use makeup removers with oil in them. When taking off your lash extensions, do NOT use an oil-based product! It’s so tempting because our eyes are so sensitive, but it will hurt your natural lashes.
If you already have lash extensions, use a non-waterproof eye makeup remover to take off the product. When removing mascara, be careful not to tug on your lash line because that can irritate them as well!
Do not rub or pull on the eyes when taking off lash extensions.
Do not use lash extensions for 6-8 weeks! That is the best time to let your natural lashes grow back.
Take a break! I know it’s easier said than done, but taking breaks may help your natural lashes shed off easier and quicker. When the extensions are applied, your natural lash will fall off due to irritation. For example, if you have oily skin, then it makes sense that you would need to take a break more than someone with drier skin.
Finally, let’s wrap things up!
Longer lashes are what everyone wants because it looks so pretty! However, that is not necessarily true. Letting your lashes grow out all the way can actually make you look better! As for the most helpful tip in growing out lash extensions, we would say that taking a break is extremely important. It can be very tempting to wear lash extensions all the time since we live in such a fast-paced world. But when you take breaks from wearing lashes, it helps your natural lash grow back faster and healthier.
We hope that this article helps you out! If you’d like to learn more about lashes or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us about the lash extension at Knoxville, Tn!