Tips on How to Quit Smoking With Vaping
Working up the nerve to quit any form of addiction is alone a commendable feat, so we applaud anyone who is actively trying to remove harmful or addictive substances from their lives to focus on a healthier lifestyle. One of the most common addictions is smoking cigarettes, which often leads people to try vaping as a way to help quit smoking.
We have seen many people achieve success in vaping to quit smoking, so we wanted to offer some advice for anyone interested in this option. Others have tried in a couple different ways and figured out how to quit smoking with vaping based on their own individual needs since this is such a personal experience, but there are some common threads we wanted to share. So here are a few quick tips that could help you figure out how to quit smoking with vaping.
Embrace New Flavors
With smoking, you really have to settle for the one flavor, but with vaping, you can enjoy just about any flavor you could want. As you experiment and figure out how to quit smoking with vaping, you should embrace all of these flavors and have fun with this part of the experience, so you feel more excited to vape.
Leave Nicotine Behind
While you are slowly transitioning from smoking to vaping, you should make sure you are not simply trading one vice for another. Instead of consuming even more nicotine with your vaping products, you should start with nicotine-free vape juice which provides the same vaping experience, minus the habit-forming properties and throat hit.
Slow and Steady
The last piece of advice we have to offer is to take things slow and steady and be patient with yourself. Quitting is a process, not something that happens overnight, so you need to trust that everyday is progress and you are doing a good job even if you still have those nicotine cravings.
You may find it helpful to alternate between smoking and vaping until you slowly wean yourself away from nicotine, or you might want to quit entirely and just start vaping. Do whatever you find works best for you and stick to it.
As we mentioned earlier, quitting smoking is a very personal experience, so you want to figure out what works best for you. These are just a few examples of things that many others have found helpful for them along the way. You might want to give these points some thought to see if any of them help you during your own journey to quitting for good.
With all of these tips on how to quit smoking with vaping, you still need to find the right vaping devices that you feel comfortable using on a regular basis. We suggest you check out the different vape pens by They offer refillable and disposable vape pens in a wide variety of flavors, and all without nicotine, so they seem like a great choice for anyone trying to use vaping as a way to quit smoking cigarettes.
Give them a try and see how you feel about vaping as a way to quit smoking.
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