TikTok beauty trends that you should not be doing
You think beauty magazines worth decades of experience are what people turn to for advice about beauty trends, however, not anymore.
TikTok has become a force to be reckoned with, especially when it comes to beauty hacks. While some of these are actually really good, the rest, not so much.
What you must understand is that TikToks are not well-researched, unlike articles you may read in a reputable publication. People may come up with the craziest of ideas for the sake of virality.
Moreover, what may have worked for them may not work for you. Why it worked for them is also not always true; we are not addressing the power of placebo here. Therefore, for specific concerns, be sure to visit only the top Skin specialist in Islamabad.
Some beauty trends that you may have come across on TikTok but are not at all good for your skin include:
Makeup microneedling
Microneedling is a procedure in which tiny needles are used to make superficial pricks to the skin. It helps in boosting collagen production alongside improving blood circulation. Some procedures also involve using serums and PRP –platelet rich plasma– over the pricked region for added skin benefits.
One beauty trend on TikTok used this principle, however, instead of using sterilized serums, applied makeup for it to last longer. This trend also started picking up by people, who were not aware of the implications of this technique for their skin.
Makeup is not sanitary or sterilized, unlike PRP or serums that doctors go for. It is not meant to be applied for extremely long hours or days for that matter; hence, makeup microneedling is very dangerous, as it allows bacteria to enter the skin via the makeup product. The skin also becomes clogged with the product as well.
Sunscreen contouring
Sun damage is nothing to make light of. It leads to not only premature aging, by promoting fine line and wrinkle formation, but it also causes hyperpigmentation. Sun exposure also leads to increased risk of skin cancer as well. Hence, not taking sunscreen seriously is a big threat to the health of your skin.
However, a TikTok trend that gained prominence was using sunscreen to selectively contour the face. It called for the application of the sunscreen only to the cheek and the nose, areas you’d use a highlighter on.
Not only does this harm your skin, as the rest of the face is left to sun exposure but is unnecessary as well; there are many makeup products whose sole aim is to contour your face!
Some procedures are meant to be performed by professionals and therefore, DIYing them is not safe. TikTok, on the other hand, has promoted people injecting themselves with fillers and providing other people guide to do so at home as well.
It is not only ill-advised, but not safe either. You may be at risk of infection and blood vessel damage. When done to the undereye, it may also cause blindness. When injected in the lips, the risk for blood vessel obstruction runs even high.
Furthermore, there are many devices that like hyaluron pen that are being encouraged for use but are not approved by the relevant authorities. These pens also pose risks, including injecting at points not intended.
Hence, rather than risking your look and health by injecting yourself, yourself, just go to a good aesthetician or cosmetologist.
Aspirin for acne
Another TikTok inspired beauty trend is using aspirin for treating acne. The basic premise is making use of the salicylic acid in the aspirin to clear up the zits. Unfortunately, this too is not safe for your skin.
Aspirin can cause your skin to dry out and become irritated. It may even lead to further inflammation, and cause scarring. Hence, for acne-related problems, trust only the Best dermatologist in Lahore.