Three Reasons to Get Started
Last week I shared 10 reasons you should invite 10 people to check out 1,000 Young Leaders and Multipli’s Genesis Leader. I want you to think about those 10 people for a moment. Send them a text, or give them a call. Tell them what you see in them. Listen to what they say. Encourage them. And share these 3 reasons that they should click the “I’m Interested” button.
These reasons are simply things we’ve heard from people a few steps further into the journey, who are enrolled in or have recently completed 1,000 Young Leaders or our companion Multipli’s Genesis Leader.
I’m ready for the mission field.
I always read “entering the mission field” when I left church. Now, I’m actually trained to enter it. The world is still a dark place, but I have tools and a vision to be used by God. Before, all I knew to do was to invite people to come to my church service. And, my unbelieving friends aren’t interested in that invitation!
The weekly discipleship huddle.
I wasn’t sure. Now, I never let anything interfere. It’s too good to miss. It is so good to be together with other like-minded Christians across the country sharing life each week. It stretched us, but the small, weekly, “put into practice” assignments have given us confidence! Made us resilient in a way we’ve never known.
It’s changed my life.
I’ve grown so much in in my own relationship with Jesus. I discovered that I have a story to tell and that God has been a profound part of my story. I’ve learned to always watch because I never know what God will do next. Before… I was involved in lots of things but never on “purpose.” Now I know my purpose. I have clarity in my personal life mission. I have more freedom and more time than I’ve ever had before!
Here’s what I know!
The fact that you received this from your pastor or from someone else is a great complement. She/he believes in you! Knows your heart enough to know that this might transform your life in fulfilling ways you’ve never imagined.
1,000 Young Leaders is aimed at young adults ages 21-36 who want to change their generation. It’s 2-3 hours per week for 10 months, and costs $50 per month.
Genesis Leader is designed and delivered by our partner ministry Multipli for women and men of any age. It’s 2-3 hours per week for 9 months, and costs $50 per month.
Similar but unique. Both fully online!
- A 15-minute memorable weekly teaching. Any time.
- A 75-minute weekly discipleship huddle group full of insight, encouragement and challenge.
- A “put into practice” each week that builds skill, aptitude, faith and capacity.
You’ll love it, and they both start soon!
So, push the “I’m interested” button:
What I know? You’ll need to talk to someone just to gain clarity and get answers to your questions. So, if you pushed the button, someone will get in touch with you.
And, if you’re hesitant, send us an email with your questions or concerns.