This is also the case it is in RuneScape
Like the way we did before, we will steal from silk sellers in Ardougne. This time our focus is on sellers of silk who are in the same vicinity as bakers RS Gold. It is important to note that this method can be a simple profit since silk sellers can offer silk to the silk dealer in Al’Kharid.
For this method to begin, you need 15% favor at the Hosidius house. Although it could seem like wasted time to complete this just to get inside but it is not. This technique is twice as fast and superior to all other exercise that can be done during training at these levels.
Before starting, be sure you lock two security dogs inside the house so they won’t disrupt you. continue this method each time you come back to this location. It is worth mentioning that when you have reached level 30 you will unlock Feud quest which will be required to unlock blackjacking. The quest also rewards players with over 15k experience in thieving, so it is a must to complete.
In contrast to previous methods, we will not be simply stealing. After you’ve completed Feud quest, after you attain 45, you can begin playing Blackjack. This method requires from you to take out an NPC and pickpocketing him two times before he wakes up. Once you’re at level 45 you should be focusing on bearded bandits that are up to 55. Then, you need to steal from non-bearded ones who wield scimitars.
At 65, Menaphite Thugs will be your next target , and you keep them in your sights until a 91. All of the above in Pollniveach but since they’re at the top of the list, you will not be needing any waterskins. Also, if in a state of depletion of health points, you can sell food at the NPC nearby Old School RuneScape Gold. This strategy is profitable in terms of money making and as a method of leveling which makes it ideal until 91.