Things you should know about Moxibustion
Moxibustion is derived from traditional Chinese healthcare, which involves burning mugwort leaves through needles or very close to the skin. The herb is small and spongy enough to aid absorption. It supports the healing of the body through acupuncture.
The essence of moxibustion is to increase energy circulation in the body through pathways known as meridians and support immune system strengthening. These benefits help the body to fight sickness and maintain general health.
Techniques used for moxibustion
Moxibustion therapy can be applied directly or indirectly. If done directly, the cone containing the mugwort is put on the exact spot that needs treatment. One end of the cone is lit and left to burn slowly until the patient starts feeling the heat and the skin turns red. Then, the therapist removes the cone.
The indirect method is often used and is safer than the direct style. Hence, the burning herb does not come close to your skin. The acupuncturist keeps it inches away from your skin till it becomes red and heated. When this happens, they remove it from around your body.
Another indirect process is using herbs like garlic or salt as an insulating layer between your body and the cone. The herb box can also be filled with special ingredients, ignited, and placed on your body.
Another method done by the practitioner is putting the spongy herb on the needle and igniting it. The herbs burns till the needle goes off. The heat is then transferred to the acupuncture spot via the needle.
For professional procedures like these, you may want to visit the oldest acupuncture center in New York for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Reasons to get a moxa therapy
Moxibustion is a highly recommended treatment for numerous and severe health conditions. You should consider a moxa treatment with a professional acupuncturist in the oldest TCM center in New York if you have any of the following ailments;
Poor circulation
Moxa heat warms up strategic points that help with circulation for patients with;
- arthritis or osteoporosis.
- swelling in the leg, ankles or other parts of the body,
- severe pain in the joints and body,
- lymphatic system and metabolism disorders,
- atherosclerosis.
Hormonal imbalance
Moxabustion is good for people with hormonal disorders that result in health problems. For instance,
- women with menstrual and menopausal problems,
- patients with low sex drive,
- patients with a condition of adrenal disorder,
- people with infertility problems due to hormonal changes.
Immune system disorders
Moxibustion is usually prescribed to treat immune disorders because it boosts the immune system to help improve health conditions. These conditions include; colds and flu, allergies, addictions, cancer, and bronchitis.
Benefits of moxabustion
What you need to do is to consult at the oldest TCM center in New York, if you live nearby, for a good acupuncturist to discover the right treatment for you. These are benefits of moxibustion for your health:
- Moxa heat warms up the meridians, which in turn heals conditions like; cold in the body, chronic pain from arthritis or back pain, and severe menstrual cramps.
- Moxabustion is an excellent treatment for the digestive system. It helps to relieve chronic constipation and diarrhea.
- It warms up the body, thereby reducing the risk of clots.
- Moxa heat stimulates the body system and reduces numbness in parts like the toes and fingers.
- The treatment helps mental disorders like depression and anxiety; thus, it eases the mind.
- It improves circulation, and this stimulates energy flow.
- Moxa heat helps with female reproductive health problems like; breech birth and menstrual disorders.
- It enhances the immune system, which helps the body increase resistance to common sicknesses and viral illnesses like; cold and flu. Patients who often suffer from viral diseases will benefit from this treatment.
- For patients suffering from the side effects of cancer treatments, moxa heat helps relieve them.
- One benefit is eliminating fatigue due to an increase in the body’s energy levels.
- It treats male problems like; impotence and poor sperm quality.
The main benefit of moxibustion is providing relief and treatments without surgery or drugs. Moxa heat can be easily merged with other types of acupuncture. It serves as a good addition to different medicinal treatments. The healing effects of moxa heat are just as efficient as exercise, a good diet, cupping, and meditation.