The RSO Belly Button: Understanding a Rare Variation and its Potential Health Implications
The RSO (reverse side out) belly button is a rare variation of the standard belly button that is typically an “innie” or an “outie.” In the RSO belly button, the skin that lines the navel is turned inside out, giving the appearance of an “outie” even though the person may have had an “innie” belly button at birth.
While the exact cause of the RSO belly button is not fully understood, it is believed to be a result of the way that the umbilical cord was cut and tied shortly after birth. In most cases, the umbilical cord is cut and tied so that the skin of the navel is folded inward, creating an “innie” belly button. However, in some cases, the cord may be tied too tightly or in such a way that the skin is turned outward, resulting in an RSO belly button.
The RSO belly button is a relatively uncommon variation and is estimated to occur in approximately 10-15% of the population. While it is not considered a medical problem or health concern, some people with an RSO belly button may experience self-consciousness or embarrassment about the appearance of their navel.
There are several cosmetic procedures that can be done to correct an RSO belly button, including umbilicoplasty, which involves reshaping and repositioning the navel. However, these procedures are typically considered elective and may not be covered by insurance.
In addition to the cosmetic concerns associated with the RSO belly button, there is also some debate about whether it can be an indicator of underlying health issues. Some experts believe that the RSO belly button may be associated with an increased risk of hernias, as the skin in the navel is less secure and may be more prone to developing weaknesses or openings in the abdominal wall.
However, there is limited research to support this theory, and the vast majority of people with RSO belly buttons do not experience any health problems as a result. It is important to note that hernias can occur in people with any type of belly button and are not necessarily more common in people with an RSO belly button.
In terms of hygiene and care, the RSO belly button should be treated similarly to any other type of belly button. Regular cleaning with soap and water is important to prevent infections and other complications. If you have an RSO belly button, it may be more difficult to clean the folds of skin around the navel, so using a cotton swab or other small instrument may be necessary to ensure that the area is thoroughly cleaned.
In conclusion, the RSO belly button is a relatively uncommon variation of the standard belly button that occurs when the skin of the navel is turned inside out. While it is not considered a medical problem or health concern, some people with an RSO belly button may experience self-consciousness or embarrassment about the appearance of their navel. Cosmetic procedures are available to correct an RSO belly button, but they are typically elective and may not be covered by insurance. In terms of hygiene and care, the RSO belly button should be treated similarly to any other type of belly button, with regular cleaning and attention to changes in the appearance or feel of the navel.