The most popular Dog Breeds
“We really miss an affection altogether ignorant in our faults. Heaven has approved this to us in the uncritical canine addition. “~ George Eliot
Dog is definitely guy’s best ally. Typically dogs play an important role in our lives. They’ve been domesticated since forever and have served man in hunting, herding, companionship and protection. In the recent years, they have absorbed other roles, such as assisting military & police and supporting physically challenged individuals.
Over the years, environmental factors, such as changes in habitats, and various factors, such as cross reproduction have resulted in the development of several kinds of dogs. Many of these popular dog breeds are well known for their brains, loyalty and fun-loving nature. As it is, the following is a list of dog breeds which are very popular:
German shepherd
German shepherd, commonly known as Alsatian, is a fairly new breed of dog. It was originally developed for herding as well as protecting lambs. Due to its brains, strength and compliance, it is quite often engaged in military and police roles across the world. Its brains coupled with its fearless nature makes it an intelligent guard dog. No wonder, this breed is one of the most popular kinds of dogs.
Labrador Retriever
This is another popular variety of dogs. It is a kind of rifle dog and was originally developed for the access of fishing nets. As it is, they are seen as an webbed paws which assist them while swimming itsaboutdog. Like the German shepherd, this dog is also popular for its role in military and police roles. These dogs are very kind, thoughtful as well as loving to their pga masters.
Doberman Pinscher
Commonly known as Doberman, this is a popular variety of dogs. These were originally developed in the 1890s and were once popular as guard dogs, as well as police dogs. It’s however lessened today. Nevertheless, they are alert, intelligent, as well as loyal companion dogs.
This is another popular breed of dog and is widely considered one of the most intelligent breeds. This breed can be found in various sizes and coat colors. These were originally developed as water dogs. However, they today mostly play the role of companion dogs. This breed is competent in several dog sports, which involve agility, tracking, compliance as well as herding.
Saint. Bernard
Popularized by the blockbuster movie Beethoven, Saint. Bernard happens to be one of the most thoughtful kinds of dogs. Originally used as rescue dogs in the ice covered terrains of the Italian language as well as Switzerland Alps, this breed has been credited to have saved numerous lives of men and women trapped in snowfall, during rough conditions.