The Link Between Kidney Stones and Your Diet
Kidney stone is very common and almost everyone is aware of it. Moreover some are carrying it. These kidney stones made of a hard mass of minerals and salts can have more than one. Kidney stones create serious complications like severe pain, and in certain cases the candidate has to undergo a kidney stone removal surgery. To avoid undergoing a surgical procedure of kidney stone removal and kidney stone itself, people are advised to stay on a healthy diet.
There are various experts of kidney stone surgery in Delhi establishing a direct link between kidney stone and diet. Therefore, they have prescribed some food to avoid and some to take to eliminate the chance of kidney stones. Some of them are discussed in this blog. So go through this post carefully.
Food Items leading to Kidney Stone
Usually, junk food is considered as a root cause of various health issues. But, along with this, there are various other food items, whose overdose can lead to the deposit of hard mass of minerals and salts in the kidney. Some of them are as follows:
- Calcium Oxalate Rich Food
Calcium is essential for bone strength. But, excessive intake of calcium can cause Calcium Oxalate Stones. Some Oxalate rich food items include salt, Rhubarb, Almond & Cashew, Greets, Beets, baked potatoes, and Okara.
- Iron-rich Food
Iron plays an essential role in managing the red blood cells in the body. In the absence of adequate iron, one can become anaemic, fatigue or face complications related to fertility. On the other hand, excessive amounts of iron create issues for the kidney to work continuously. Once the kidney fails to extract excessive minerals from the blood, a stone problem occurs.
- Excessive Intake of Salt
Salt is an essential mineral for the body. It kills the harmful bacteria and keeps the blood clean. But excessive intake of salt creates issues related to bone and kidney stones.
- Intake of Calcium Phosphate
Non-veg is a rich source of calcium phosphate. It is beneficial for youthful skin, hair and brain. But to digest non-veg food, the digestive system has to put in more effort. The excessive intake of animal protein rich food like organ meat, chicken, beef liver, cheese, sea food can cause calcium phosphate stones and liver problems.
In today’s healthcare advancement, kidney stones are not worrisome. One with help of a specialist of kidney stone removal can get rid of this medical condition and enjoy a pain free, healthy and quality life. To do so one can take assistance from Dr. Niren Rao. He is the best urologist in Delhi renowned for various kidney, prostate and male infertility treatments. He is an AIIMS trained specialist and the founder of a leading urology facility, Delhi Urology Hospital where he provides standardised and advanced urological treatments. To avail the benefits consult Dr. Niren Rao now!