The Great Remorse: How Often Do People Regret Leaving Their Old Jobs?
Do you remember the last time you bought a car or a house or another big ticket item? What did you feel? You probably felt an initial sense of joy. Maybe even elation.
But if you’re like most people, that initial reaction may have been fleeting. It might even have been replaced by a sense of doubt. Should I have gotten a V8 instead of the V6? Are the schools in that neighbourhood really good? Maybe I should have done more research.
Buyers remorse doesn’t just happen with new cars or houses. It happens with new jobs as well.
And this can work for or against us during the hiring process. When we lose good staff we can take advantage of buyers remorse to bring them back to the fold. And when we pick up that unicorn we’ve been chasing we risk losing them to a case of buyers remorse unless we do the right things to settle them in well and quickly.
Please read my recent SmartCompany article to see both sides of the coin. I’d love to know your thoughts. Pop them into the comments.