The First 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah
Dhul-hajj is from the blessed months of the Islamic lunar calendar. In this holy month, the major pilgrimage Hajj is performed. Hajj has a great place in Islam and it is also from the pillars of Islam. Allah Almighty has guaranteed Paradise to Hajji. This holy pilgrimage is performed on the first days of Dhul-Hajj. These first ten days of Dhul Hajj are the most blessed. Pilgrims book their cheap Hajj packages to avail benefits from this first ten-day of Dhul-Hajj. These ten days of Dhul-Hajj are most blessed after the last ten-day of Ramadan.
Pilgrims book their Package and approach Makkah before beginning Hajj. They perform their Umrah before starting the Hajj pilgrimage. The compulsory Hajj pilgrimage starts on the 8th day of Dhul-Hajj and ends on the 12th day. This holy pilgrimage is the best way for the expiration of the previous sins. Muslims who can afford this journey spend their ten days of Dhul Hajj in Makkah city.
Muslims perform their holy journey to get bounties from their creator. While there are also some Muslim brothers and sisters, which are not able to perform this holy journey. Because they didn’t have enough assets to bear the expenses of this holy pilgrimage.
In this fascinating post, we will give you some tips to make your time special this month. The tips that we will provide will enable you to get bounties from your creator if you are unable to bear the expense of Hajj. These tips and pieces of advice will make your ten-days special and fruit-bearing. These tips are described below.
Do more Zikr:
To attain the blessing of Allah Almighty do more Zikr. This is also considered as the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet SAW. In the first days of Dhul-Hajj do more Zikr of Allah by reciting tasbih, Tahlel, takbeer, and Tahmeed.
Give Qurbani:
The sacrificial intention is performed on the 10th day of Dhull Hajj. Muslims after offering the Eid Prayer slaughter the animals for the sake of Allah. Perform this intention in your motherland. This will bring you enormous blessings. This sacrifice is also the formest rite of Hajj. The Hajji’s perform this rite on the sacred city of Makkah.
Be Punctual in your petitions:
Salah or Prayer is the 2nd pillar of Islam. Salah brings us enormous rewards as well. Be punctual in your salah if you are in your motherland or either in Makkah. Also do other good deeds this month. We receive multiple rewards for every good deed on the first days of Dhul-Hajj.
Do Charity:
The first ten days of this blessed month are the best chance to get more and more bounties. Giving charity does help the needy and poor people and that will bring you enormous rewards. If you also do have not enough assets to perform charity. Then smile and spread joy as this is also the charity in the sight of Allah Almighty.
These tips and points will enable you to make your time special in the first ten days of Dhul-Hajj. If you didn’t possess enough assets to perform your Hajj pilgrimage. You can also follow and practice these tips in the holy land of Makkah.