It’s one thing to sell your book online, but it’s another to pack, and ship orders, and that’s where a book fulfillment company comes in. There’s a significant opportunity for authors who want to work independently and stay outside the print-on-demand world. However, it takes a solid marketing program and an infrastructure to handle order processing and fulfillment. When you can partner with a company offering excellent service at value rates, you’re in the driver’s seat with your business. You can sell books anywhere when you print books and have warehousing and order fulfillment with quick shipping.
Some self-publishers today are companies that sell books they publish, often to promote their brands, along with other items. For example, a cooking utensil company might sell a cookbook that encourages using its utensils – and ship all products together. Book fulfillment companies with the right capabilities can handle those orders, packing and shipping multiple items with books. You can also personalize the customer experience with branded shipping materials, extras like gift wrapping, and other add-ons that make your book attractive to more shippers, and they increase your profits.
People today are spoiled by fast shopping and excellent service, so your book fulfillment needs to meet their expectations. One of the biggest reasons to print books ahead is to avoid the delays and bottlenecks that can occur with print-on-demand. During peak demand periods, on-demand print queues can become back up and cause your customers to wait. When someone orders a book, they are generally interested and enthusiastic about it. When there is a wait of several days or a week, the enthusiasm wanes, and it can cost your satisfied readers who will talk favorably about your book.
You may want to offer price promotions at some times of the year or for other business reasons. When you go with print-on-demand, the printer sets the price and controls the sales process. It opts you out of promotional opportunities and reduces your role to earning a commission with little control. Today’s book industry is legendarily competitive, and allowing yourself to be gobbled up by the print-on-demand system can make you less competitive. Selling books directly also puts customer data in your hands. It’s a valuable tool for selling future books or products and services; try to keep your options open.
Company Name: Acutrack, Inc
Address: 350 Sonic Ave, Livermore, CA 94551
Phone Number: 888-234-3472