The Cost of Solar Panels and how it affects Your Home
Solar Panels are picking up in popularity steadily as a source of electricity. Various important heads of state and heads of international and domestic companies and their think tanks are stressing the use of renewable resources of energy. With such talks going on about how to implement these renewable energy resources, options are being explored and implemented.
What is a Solar Panel
It is a cluster of photo-voltaic cells structured so that cells sit together in a rectangular or square shape. A photo-voltaic cell is kept at an angle that captures the sunlight and generates electricity. The structure is kept in open spaces with ample sunlight or on the terraces of the buildings or homes.
Cost of a Solar Panel
Costs are variable as per the size of the panels, company, and power (wattage). But the main question remains, is it too costly as an initial investment, and does the time required to cover the initial expenses too much? Let’s have a look at the details below to answer these questions:
● Equipment Cost –
Equipment cost includes a solar cell and mounting structure with clamps and bolts. We get to know the price while buying as various components and stages are included. The material of the equipment also matters. A monocrystalline panel costs more than a polycrystalline panel. Choice of material depends on consumer usage and budget.
Solar Panel Components
● Installation Cost –
Installation Costs are sometimes covered with the equipment costs, but some vendors may cost it separately. Whatever the case, installing it correctly is essential so that the units run smoothly.
● Running Cost –
The cost of running these panels is pretty low, and there are incentives by the government in many states if a Solar Panel is installed.
● Maintenance Cost –
The panels come with a guarantee/warranty of 5 -10 years. They are designed in a way that they can sustain rains, winds, and storms. Extreme and harsh weather like hail may be problematic.
Effects of Solar Panel on Home or Business
The solar panel has many benefits for homes. Some of them are listed below to help you understand why it’s time to install Solar Power:
Reduce conventional energy bills
If solar energy is being used for power consumption, the use of conventional energy will automatically become low, thus resulting in the lowering of energy bills. Installing solar power does not mean two bills to pay.
Good for the environment
This point is a commonly known fact that using solar energy can bring a better environment for the earth. A greener earth means fewer greenhouse gases, which is the need of the hour for us and future generations.
Pocket-friendly in the long run
Solar Power can prove economical in the long run. This is not just for the sake of statement, but many experts have the same opinion. Low maintenance also ensures that the cost remains low.
Independence in terms of supply
Businesses that opt for solar power need not depend on conventional power supply companies. The same goes for any power cuts happening in the area.
Solar Panels with years of guarantee
Solar India Monocrystalline 250 Watt 12 V Solar Panel with 25 Years Power Output Warranty
Solar Universe India Monocrystalline 125 Watt 12 V Solar Panel With 5 Years Power Output Warranty
1 Kilowatt Solar Panel Price in India
It is over 50,000/-. Is it worth it? We can have reservations about investing so much initially, but the price is well worth it. After investing in Solar Panels, there would be minimum expenditure on conventional electricity charges. It will be a boon for the environment and beneficial for your home or business in the long term.
Saanvi Polycrystalline 1000 Watt 12 V Solar Panel with 5 Years Power Output Warranty
Solar Panels can be installed on a house’s terrace or in open fields, wherever there is enough sunlight for panels to generate electricity. The mechanism is quite simple yet unique. Because of this simple mechanism, the maintenance required is bare minimum. If we have the technology, it should be used to our advantage.
Solar Panels are a profitable investment if done with a good vendor at a good price. We have a variety of vendors who offer guarantees of 10 years and above. This type of guarantee can only be given if the equipment is long-lasting and of good quality. If you want to buy quality products and looking for a variety to choose from, then visit our website, Industry Buying.