Shrardham or Devasam or Srardham is propitious not normal for memorial service rituals. Execution of Srardham or regard to precursors is a most hallowed obligation of the Hindus.
Playing out the endorsed Rites for the withdrew as laid by the Sastras is a significant part of Hinduism.The child of the perished father ought to get it done with confidence, dedication and veneration so the dad’s spirit is freed. Assuming the dad is alive, the child is qualified uniquely to perform Shrardham for mother or maternal granddad.
Performing Shradham custom secures the family beneficiary, birth of a kid child
It liberates group of people yet to come from wretchedness
It furnishes the entertainer with long life, and yet by not performing Shrardham makes one’s life hopeless and poor.
Shrardham is to be performed on the thithi (applicable hindu month) of the downfall of father or mother of the entertainer
Secures family beneficiary
Gets favors for birth of male youngster
Make distinction and progress
Liberates people in the future from wretchedness
Expands life span
Achieve gifts from Heaven
Secures pets and creatures