Some Essential Things That You Should Know About CNC Machining
There are many reasons why your company may need machining services from a custom machine shop offering CNC machining. All the companies who have turned for CNC machining have witnessed a vast improvement in their plant, regardless of their size of business and industry domain. From plating a prototype to grinding, there are many ways CNC machining services offered by a custom machine shop can help your firm.
There are many businesses out there that have even been able to optimise their production capacity just by using CNC machining, and this is why the use of such machining service is slowly becoming a new normal for most of the firms.
But in this blog post, we are not going to talk about how you can use CNC machining or how to choose a CNC machining service provider instead we will be discussing some of the most important facts of CNC machining that every firm should know.
CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control
There are many different types of manufacturing applications in which CNC machining is used but do you know how exactly this machining service works?
CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control, and in this type of machine, advanced computer programs are used for controlling the different parts of a machine like a router, mill, or lathe. It doesn’t matter whether you are using metal or plastic in your production process, CNC machining can help you deal with the working of the machine with minimal human intervention. All that you will have to do is to sit behind the computer and work on the program. This will free up your employees, and they will be able to focus on other important parts of the production process.
G-code is used in CNC machining
There are unique types of programming languages, and software solutions used for CNC machining, and these languages are known as G-code. This coding system is used to control all the parts of the machine tools and their movements for manufacturing anything required in the production process.
You should know that G-code even controls the positioning and speed of the cutting tools according to the work-piece. But this is just one function of G-code as this advanced programming language can even be used for controlling the feed rate of the material in the tool. So, we can say a custom machine shop offering CNC machining will be utterly dependent upon G-code.
It all starts with CAD
The process used in the CNC machining starts either with a 3D CAD model or a 2D CAD model. The CAD here stands for Computer-Aided Design. After the generation of the design, the G-code comes into action and a trial is run to test the performance of the program. This specific part of CNC machining is more popularly known as cutting air, and it is one of the most important processes used while working on CNC machining since it minimises the chances of a damaged machine part or machines going haywire.
After making sure that all the results from the test are positive, the program is then run to the real parts of the machines. This allows the firms to ensure that there will be no issue with the working of CNC machining in the future.
CNC machining is no more a new kid on the block as there are many companies out there who are taking advantage of this advanced machining service. Soon, CNC machining will become a necessity for most of the firms out there, and they will start looking for a custom machine shop like Emachining for better production.