Some Common Myths About Pizza That Need To Go Away
Who doesn’t love a slice of pizza in Manalapan NJ? This Italian dish has become a part of the American lifestyle. Whether it’s for gaming night, family dinner or just hunger, pizza will always pop up in most of our minds. It also helps that it is a wholesome meal between the crust, cheese, sauce and toppings. Yet, there is so much we don’t know or tend to misunderstand about this beloved pie.
Most of the myths floating on the internet are harmless but need to be debunked because debating about them can be quite annoying.
You Must Not Use Fork And Knife
It’s hard to imagine using a fork and knife instead of just grabbing a slice and snacking on it. But there’s nothing wrong with using cutlery to eat your pizza in Manalapan NJ. Eating with hands isn’t a hard and fast rule. Most people do it only because it’s faster to hold a slice and gobble it up than to cut it with a fork.
In fact, it’s normal for diners to use a fork and knife while the pie is hot out of the oven and switch to using your hand when it cools down a bit. If you’ve piled your pie with too many toppings, then forks and knives make it easier to eat.
Italy Invented Pizza
You ask anyone about the origin of pizza in South Amboy NJ and they’ll tell you that Italy invented it. While modern pizza has roots in Naples, pizza-like dishes have existed in Ancient Greece long ago. Naples itself was a Greek port city called Neapolis which became a part of the Roman Empire later.
There are also records of Ancient Persian soldiers baking flatbread with cheese on their shields. So calling it purely Italian wouldn’t be fair.
Returning WWII Soldiers Brought It To The US
Many people think that they owe the existence of pizza in South Amboy NJ to WW2 soldiers returning from Italy because it entered the US around 1945. But many historians dispute this claim because American troops in Europe spent most of their time in northern and western parts while the pizza was still a local dish limited to Naples and southern Italy.
By the time the soldiers entered this region, it was so destitute that people were eating fish from aquariums to stay alive. So it’s unlikely that US soldiers came across this popular pie.
Mozzarella Di Bufala Is The Only Cheese You Should Use
Many purists believe that mozzarella made from the milk of the water buffalo is the only cheese one should use. However, chefs use different types of cheese depending on the type of pizza they serve. Mozzarella di bufala is watery and will make the pie soupy. If you want a big New York-style pizza in Englishtown NJ, then you need a drier cheese.
Pepperoni Pizza Is Italian
Pepperoni is an American food created by Italian immigrants. If you travel to Italy, you might not find this topping there. Many chefs might confuse it for pepper because it’s similar to the Italian word peperone. Also, pepperoni is prepared by smoking beef and pork but Italian cuisine is more about fermenting, curing and aging the meat.
You might find some pork salami toppings there but the beef and ham mixture belong on a slice of pizza in Englishtown NJ.
It’s Not A Balanced Diet
A pizza is a wholesome meal in itself. Its crust is rich in carbohydrates, its cheese is rich in protein and calcium, and its tomato sauce is rich in vitamins and minerals. You can add healthy toppings like olives or spinach to add to its nutritional value. However, be careful not to add too many toppings to avoid adding to your carbs.
It’s Unhealthy
How healthy or unhealthy a pie is, depends on the ingredients used and the preparation method. Frozen and fast food pizzas tend to be unhealthy due to preservatives, extra salt, corn syrup, etc. Many restaurants like Mike’s Pizza serve fresh pies made using only high-quality ingredients.
It Should Only Be Eaten For Lunch Or Dinner
There’s nothing wrong with grabbing a slice of cheesy pizza for breakfast. With its balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, it’s the perfect dish to energize you for the day. It holds an edge over your regular cereal with its ability to keep you satisfied for much longer.
You Must Reheat It With A Microwave/Oven
Don’t worry if you don’t own an oven or microwave. You don’t have to eat your leftover slices from Mike’s Pizza cold. You can reheat it on your skillet as well.