“Solar Power Tracking System”- The Latest Technology in Solar Energy
The latest inventions set a new standard for low-cost and reliable energy production. A concentrated (conc.) Solar Power Tracking System (CST) is product one of those inventions. It has enhanced to work with PV solar panel systems. To significantly drive down the cost of power generation, the Tracking system increases solar power production by 30% with only a 10% rise in installation cost.
Mass Megawatts reports the CST will generate 170% more energy than a traditional or non-tracking solar power system. It provides a significant reduction in the cost of solar energy production, bringing it to a level well below existing solar power technologies, as well as below fossil-fuel-based power generation systems.
The company’s innovative design solves a common problem with solar panels overheating. It provides a heat resistance shield for the solar panels which allows only visible light waves to reach solar panels while blocking the counter-productive, infrared heat-generating waves. Overall, It prevents the solar panels from overheating and enhances solar power generation.
Mass Megawatt’s Solar Tracking System is a low-cost solar tracking structure, designed to automatically adjust the position of solar panels to receive the maximum sunlight possible throughout the day. In comparison with other sunlight tracking technologies, the Mass Megawatts STS utilizes a low-cost structure that adds stability to the overall system while enhancing solar energy production by around 25%.
The tracking system automatically repositions the solar panel’s face towards sunlight throughout the day. A single tracking platform can hold up to 10 kW of Solar panels. Generally, It is ideal for open roofs and grounds, requires minimum maintenance, and is well-optimized for high-wind events.