SIL and Roster of Care (ROC) | NDIS SIL Provider in Newcastle, Central Coast, NSW
All you need to know about SIL and Roster of Care (ROC)
NDIS Supported Independent Living (SIL) is a support package designed to facilitate independent and empowered living for NDIS participants. The support enables the participants to do more with less support and to build their skills while living in an empowered environment of their choosing.
Through SIL, participants can access assistance throughout the day and also receive overnight support according to their needs. The NDIS will only include SIL funding in your plan if it is proven that the support is reasonable and necessary for your needs.
The roster of Care (ROC) is a term you will often hear in relation to NDIS SIL and in general, a roster refers to a plan or list showing turns of duty for personnel and members in an organisation. In the NDIS context, ROC is a detailed and organised document that the SIL provider prepares about the hours and services the participants received over a week in the SIL house. The provider is required to work together with the participant or their nominee to prepare this document and has to submit the ROC to the NDIA.
ROC is one of the factors that NDIA analyse to determine the necessary funding the participants require and also to ensure that the plan is suitable for each of the participants included in the list. SIL is a long-term journey in a typical NDIS plan and the ROC is submitted sometime at the beginning of this. The NDIA will only require the ROC as support information for the first plan of the participant with SIL and later when there is a change in circumstances that warrants a review.
Classy Life’s SIL services are based in and around NSW. As a registered NDIS provider, we believe in providing individually tailored SIL services in safe and secure SIL houses. Contact us to know more about our NDIS SIL Support services.