Seven Levels of Heaven Or Jannah: Names And Meaning
Seven Levels of Heaven Or Jannah: Names And Meaning
Heaven is an interesting concept in every religion. Almost all believers have questions regarding the life in Jannah and wish to be placed there after their death. The Quran explains in detail about the different levels of heaven as well as hell. In this blog, we look at what exactly is heaven in Islam and what one needs to do to be placed there once they leave their physical being.
What is Jannah?
Jannah comes from the Arabic word Jannat which literally means ‘paradise, garden’. As per Islamic belief it is the final residence of virtue. There are different levels of heaven, and one is granted entry to them based on their good deeds and actions.
What are the 7 types of Jannah?
Broadly, there are Seven levels of Jannah in Islam, which are explained as follows:
Jannat-al-And, The Garden of Eden
Adn means residence or an eternal place. It is the enduring space where a Muslim is given place after repenting or facing consequences of the sins he has committed. As per Surah Tawbah, Allah guaranteed his followers that they will be given a place in Jannat-al-Adan. It is said that the river flowing below the garden fulfills one’s every wish or desires.
This is an esteemed level, superior to all the other levels. Firdous means full of all kinds of plants. There are grapevines in this level of heaven, where different kinds of food are grown. Anyone who has been honest and has done honest acts is accepted here.
Naim or Naeem means a peaceful life with blessings and wealth. This means that Jannat-ul-Naeem offers the most peaceful life in Jannah.In Saraj Yunus, it is mentioned that people who trust Allah, do good deeds, and remain committed towards it throughout their lives will find place in this level. Such believers come across the rivers flowing underneath them in the ‘Paradise of Delight’.
Mawa means to take shelter. Jannat-ul-Mawa is a place made of brass where martyrs and devotees take refuge. As per Surah an Najm, this place is known as the Garden of Abode for refugees. Its utmost boundary extends to the lote-tree or Sidrat al-muntaha, which occupies paramount importance in islam.
Khuld means everlasting, eternal or immortal. This level is the Garden of immortality and is for those who follow their path with devotion, without going astray from it. Regarding Dar-ul-Khuld, the Messenger of Allah (s) mentions, “He who wishes to live as I have lived and to die as I will die, and enter the Garden of Eternal Bliss which Allah has promised me—let him take Ali as his leader (wali), because Ali will never lead you away from the Path of Truth, nor will he take you into error.”
In this level of heaven, the soul finds eternity and its sufferings disappear. Nothing can affect the soul in Dar-al-Maqam; it is a safe place. This 6th level of Jannah is mentioned and described in Surah al Fatir in the following words,
“Who, of His elegance, hath installed us in the grange of eternity where toil touched us not, nor can weariness affect us.”
It is the seventh level of Jannah, also known as the abode of wellbeing. It is the safest of all 7 levels of Jannah; its inhabitants are free of all fears, harms, and anxieties. Another meaning of Dar-us-Salam is that the speech is salaam – free of any negativity.
Ibn Abbas (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Dar al-Salam is the Paradise; its inhabitants are protected from all kinds of harms, afflictions, deficiencies, diseases and ailments. The inhabitants of Dar al-Salam are immune to agedness, death and physical deterioration. They are the ones who are revered and respected and are never insulted. They are always dear and they never suffer misery and wretchedness. The inhabitants of the Abode of Peace are always needless; they never become needy; they are the prosperous ones and they never become wicked… they dwell in the palaces made of pearl and coral whose doors are open to the Throne of the Compassionate. Therein the angels descend upon them from all sides and say to them: “Peace unto you for that ye persevered in patience! Now how excellent is the final home!” — Behar al-Anwar, vol.8, pg. 194
Life in Jannah goes through different phases as it passes through these levels. Each of the seven levels of Jannah offer a divine experience, one different from the previous one. Therefore, one must follow the path of righteousness and devotion to Allah to find a place here.