Sandeep Marwah Inaugurated International Conference on Role of Internet in Future Sustainability
New Delhi: “The Internet is currently trending with its ever expanding eco-system of digital sensors, appliances and wearable smart devices. Like other sectors, the role of Internet in sustainable development and environment protection will be crucial in the coming years,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah Chancellor of AAFT University of Media And Arts in an international seminar on- Role of Internet in future Sustainability organised by Dr. Amit Kaur Puri Founder and president AKP Healing India.
Dr. Marwah discussed and expressed seven major heads where internet through different applications have done wonders including Water Management, Agriculture, Wildlife, Marine Organisms, Buildings, Waste Management and waste water.
“These devices promise to be the major drivers of change within the coming few years With higher demands for this technology from both public and private sector for better energy distribution, accurate business forecasts, the fruits of Green IT and an answer to many of the environment challenges faced by the region, the overall production gains is expected to shoot up. The new technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, will emerge making Internet more intuitive and user friendly, but largely, manufacturers will have to work harder at securing their connected devices as the risk to data will also increase. Amid all of these trends and predictions, the future ahead is definitely a promising one and certainly worth looking forward,” added Dr. Marwah.
Dr. Jasbir Kaur Noida, Darshan K. Patel from Mexico, Dr. Indu Anand Delhi, Indarjit Gosh Chairman Msme Delhi, Corina Sujdea from Romania, Major Mohomad Ali Shah and Rajalakshmi Joshi from Mumbai, Dr. Sushil Bharti Director Radio Noida 107.4FM, Kolapo Emmanuel from Nigeria, Dhanraj Singh Puri of Canada, Dr. Alka Chaturvedi & Dr. Rajkumar Khapekar from Nagpur also participated in the discussion.