Recruitment And Training – The Key To Growing Your Business
It should be evident from the UK recruitment awards earlier chapters of this book that it is not just an employee’s skills which make a company great; it’s their mindset and attitude. You therefore need to be alert to mindset and attitude when recruiting, and look beyond qualifications.
One entrepreneur I interviewed some time back has a stable full of horses and over the years has dealt with many vets. He explained that although all the vets he had used had the same qualification, they couldn’t have been more different.
All vets have to spend at least seven years studying for their veterinary exams, and therefore all have the same letters after their names. Yet to him, the distinction between a good vet and a bad vet was all about attitude. Ultimately, it comes down to good vets sharing the same characteristics and traits as the business owners we’ve spoken about in this book. They are passionate about their work, love what they do, and believe in themselves and the services they offer.
Conversely, some of the vets he came across were not very enthusiastic about their work as their passions lay elsewhere.
Recruiting the right people is so much more about personality and mindset than it is about technical skills. Ultimately the success of any high achiever comes down to mindset and attitude rather than technical skills.
When you watch football managers talk about what won them a game, or what they look for in their team, seldom do they say it’s the ability to pass the ball straight from one player to another. They talk about courage and confidence, belief and passion, desire and hunger. It’s these personal leadership traits that you need to identify at the start when recruiting.
Rarely are those qualities demonstrated in black and white on a CV. It’s what happens outside of the CV that you need to look for. It’s important to see your prospective employee through their own eyes to understand where their true passion lies, and whether that passion really suits the job that they’re doing.
On paper, I have the same accountancy qualification as hundreds of thousands, if not millions of other accountants, and I can certainly put forward a CV that looks impressive. However, by looking beyond my CV, and understanding what drives and motivates me, you would very quickly realise that I would be the worst person in the world to employ as an accountant.