Recreational Fishing Spots at Durras on the South Coast of NSW, Australia
Durras, near Batemans Bay on the south coast of NSW, is a popular fishing destination for both the serious recreational fishermen or a family on holiday just wetting a line. Places to Visit in North Coast NSW
The most popular fishing spots can be broken down into three areas:
Durras Lake. Just a short walk from the caravan parks in either Durras North or South Durras. Flathead and bream are mostly caught just off the boat ramps. If you have a small boat, kayak or canoe, there are four square kilometres of lake to fish in. Durras Lake is part of the Batemans Marine Park and there are two sanctuary zones. No fishing of any sort is allowed in these zones. Sometimes, Durras Lake is open to the ocean and catching prawns is a popular evening activity during summer. Things to Do in North Coast NSW
Durras Beach is 4km long stretching from Point Upright in the north to South Durras. Fish mostly caught include whiting, salmon, tailor, bream and snapper. Large beach rods are mostly used so the skill level required is generally higher than fishing in the lake. Beach worms can also be gathered in the sand by the receding shore line. A high level of skill and dexterity is required to catch them. When Durras Lake is open to the ocean, it is not possible to walk from the north to southern end of the beach.
Point Upright Rock Platform fishing. This is located at the far end of Durras Beach. It is possible to catch snapper, salmon, drummer and many other species off the rock platform at the base of Point Upright. Rock fishing can be extremely dangerous and only experienced persons should indulge in this form of fishing. Proper footwear is essential along with an understanding of tides and weather. North Coast NSW Beaches
Depending upon your skill level, different tackle and baits will be required for each of the different fishing spots described above. Fishing in the Durras area is generally very popular throughout the year.