Real Estate and Financial Recruiters Troll Business Social Networking Sites
Perhaps you might not realize this but there are corporations and firms out there that desperately need to hire more professionals to add to their ranks of financial planning dealers, real estate agents or real estate related employees. Now they are using the listings and profile pages of social business networks to troll for people to try to recruit. So far, in blogging on a professional real estate network site; I have been contacted by recruiters from:
- Two real estate brokers
- One very large commercial real estate investment company
- One of the largest broker/dealer independent securities company
Why, well it should be obvious that Mezzanine Kapital due to all the mass exodus in several real estate and investment related sectors for various reasons they need able bodies. Why are people leaving the business? Well, the reason appears to be from exit polling that there are issues with:
- Residential Real Estate Sales Being Slow
- Over Regulation in the Sectors
- On-going Education Requirements Being Ridiculous
- Too Much Stress – Not Worth It
- Too Many Participants for Not Enough Business (supply and demand)
Firms need more people to hang onto their dwindling numbers (earnings) and the competitive aspects with fewer sales compounded with market share pressures are mounting. On the social business networking site that I have participated on recently there are 65,000 folks are online – with resumes attached. Maybe if you are looking for a JOB, or change of employment this might be the place for you.