Pulling Back The Curtain On Recruitment!
Recruitment is a bit of a dark art to the outside world – and many recruiters promote that perception. But you can (and should) pull back the curtain when choosing to work with a recruiter.
I recently read an article that outlines 4 must ask questions (which I’ve paraphrased) – and it’s brilliant!
- What are your metrics (i.e. how good are you really?)
- What is your process (i.e. are you sourcing the same people I could source or do you have a deep reach into passive job seekers?)
- Who can’t you recruit from (i.e. who are your clients and are those companies the very companies I’d want to pull talent from?)
- How will you sell my role (i.e. how well do you know us and are you really going to look for that right fit – or are you simply interested in throwing pasta against the wall to see what sticks?)
In return for the right answers to these questions you MUST either engage the recruiter on a retained bases and/or pay OVER their normal percentage for success.
Trust me, it’s worth it.
This article reminded me of a white paper I wrote a few years ago.
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