The reason behind this important piece of information goes back to the slot88 first characteristic of drawing numbers at random from a uniform distribution. The first expectation would be that there would be an equal number of numbers ending in 1’s, 2’s, 3’s, 4’s etc. Since we are only concerned with the first ten or twelve numbers to be called, not enough balls have been drawn to expect more than a minimum of digit pairs. The laws governing a sample drawing of ten balls out of seventy five would show a strong tendency toward there being one ball with a number ending in 1, another ending in 2, another ending in 3, etc. until most of the ten digit endings are represented. The law is derived from simple probability. If the first number called in a game is N-31 then all the probabilities are increased on the next draw that the second number will not end with the digit 1 simply because there are more balls having different digit endings than there are balls left with numbers ending in 1. If the next number is G-56 then the probabilities are increased that the next number will not end in 1 or 6. For the first six numbers called in a game the probabilities are clearly in favor of all having different digit endings. From the seventh number on the probabilities favor pairing up one or more of the ending digits. This then accounts for the actual experience wherein it is shown that 60% of the first ten numbers called in any bingo game will tend to have different digit endings.
To validate the writer’s assumption that there is a natural tendency first toward numbers having different digit endings, 49-game series was reviewed and the first ten numbers in each game is rated percentage wise for different digit endings.
Every-bingo card consists of 24 numbers and the free spot in the middle. Those 24 numbers occupy 16 strategic squares, the remaining numbers covering the dead squares. The clear majority of all winning-bingo combinations consist of numbers occupying strategic squares. The only time the dead squares are involved with a winning-bingo combination is when the-bingo is made the “hard” way, 5 straight vertical numbers, or five straight horizontal numbers. All number selections for the regular and most of the special games require the use of only the strategic squares.
With the development and proliferation of the game ” BINGO “, many people have looked for the origin of the word, without finding documents that authoritatively support its source or beginning.
“BEANO” is definitely still practiced today in some USA States, as in the State of Maine, and its basis is similar to our generalized BINGO. The Law of the State defines these interchangeable terms in Chapter 13-A, Section 17:
- 311. Definitions
As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following words shall have the following meanings. [1975, c. 307, §2 (new).] 1. Beano. “Beano” means a specific kind of group game of chance, regardless of whether such a game is characterized by another name. Wherever the term “beano” is used, the word “bingo” or any other word used to characterize such a game may be interchanged. In “beano,” each participant is given or sold one or more tally cards, so-called, each of which contains preprinted numbers or letters and may or may not be arranged in vertical or which contains preprinted numbers or letters and may or may not be arranged in vertical or horizontal rows. The participant covers or marks the numbers or letters as objects similarly numbered or lettered are drawn from a receptacle and the winner or winners are determined by the sequence in which those objects are drawn. The manner in which the winner is determined must be clearly announced or displayed before any game is begun. Until July 1, 1994, a game described in this subsection is “beano” and a licensee may conduct such a game regardless of whether the manner of determining the winner is specifically described as a permissible manner of determining the winner in rules adopted by the Chief of State Police.
[1991, c. 796, §2 (amd).] “
“Beano” is still played in many U.S. states, as evidenced by the photo of a Beano game package. [Photo downloaded from the photographic gallery of Old Jacksonville, Ga. by Julian Williams (Ga. USA)].
Read about the history of gambling in the USA, early lottery and casinos in New York and mafia controlled gaming at Plicy Game site.
The object of the game was for the player to place on the cards, marked with letters and numbers, a bean, signifying the called letter and number( which was called out by the person running the game). A bean would be placed on the square when its letter and number was called, e.g., “B-6”, “O-63”, etc. When a player fills in all the spaces of a row – across (horizontally), up-and-down (vertically), or corner-to-corner (diagonally), he or she is entitled to shout “Beano!”, signifying that the game has been won. In the game of “Bingo”, the same procedure applies.
How it appears with the name “Beano” is the first question. The etymology of the word is coarsely interpreted by some responsible authors, one of them in the ” The American Heritage ” (dictionary of English language) – 4ª Edition of 2,000, that justifies it as being formed for (bean)+bing(o), when we know that the word ” bingo ” appears later than ” beano ” and certainly is a derivative of the latter.