Pick and Pack Warehouse New York – Technologies that Have Transformed Pick and Pack Warehouse Services
Pick and pack warehouse New York has existed for decades now. They are the core features of several warehouses and businesses. However, technological advancement has touched all spheres of all life. Technology and digitalization are omnipresent no matter what you do and where you live. The same stands true for pick and pack services.
While there are several technological advancements in this sector, some main developments would leave a significant impact on warehouse operations in the future. Here they are:
- 3D Printing
- Robotics
- Augmented Reality
Let’s dive into the world of each one of these areas.
3D Printing
It is one of the latest technologies that has created a media sensation. However, manufacturers and entrepreneurs consider it has niche applications in custom and prototyping limited runs. This technology can possibly disrupt the entire pick and pack warehouse model in the coming years. With 3D printing in place, the warehouse would stock only the raw materials, and some rows of 3D printers will replace the aisles full of a particular product. Though there are some issues in his type of printing, measures are being taken to resolve them.
Augmented Reality
Imagine – you are in a next-gen warehouse wearing a pair of digital intelligent glasses. Without looking away from your work or striding away, you can immediately see what items to pick next, follow directions to reach the picking station, and compare with available images ensuring you have picked up the correct item. There is more to it. You can get the proper posture and health alerts and determine how accurately and fast you are working compared to your co-workers and teammates.
This, for you, is AR – Augmented Reality. It is all about enhancing the user experience by blanketing the natural environment with valuable data and text and graphics available at a particular moment. On the other hand, virtual reality completes immersion into a virtual world by blocking out the real picture. Augmented reality blends computer-generated information and images with reality, allowing the person to stay connected to the task.
Lean techniques indicate that keeping the packer packing and picker picking is vital. A lot of energy and time is wasted walking between the packing locations and stock. With a new generation of “follow me,” robots are poised to do away with unnecessary human motion. For instance, both Fetch Robotics and Locus Robotics provide great autonomous mobile robots that let the picker fill bins on the robot with the inventory. Once this is done, the robots find their way to the packing station, with the next robot taking in to take its place along with the picker. Robotics solutions can do several mundane tasks giving plenty of time to workers and staff to streamline other processes.
Innovations create a significant impact on conventional warehouse operational models. It is essential for pick and packs warehouse service providers to stay abreast of these ever-evolving changes to beat the competition. Undoubtedly, picking and packing are an inevitable part of the supply chain and logistics industry. The only thing is that it will look very different in the future, courtesy of technological advancement.