Pet Euthanasia Vs Natural Death – What is Better
Both natural death and euthanasia are ethically and medically accepted in any veterinary animal hospice or EOL care. Deciding whether you want to let your pet die naturally or perform euthanasia is totally up to the owner of the pet. The decision should be taken after a collaborative discussion that involves both the hospice team of the animal and the caregiver. The hospital does not allow the owner of the pet to take such a decision without an efficient palliative measure and a licensed vet.
We have here a few guidelines that will help the vet to engage themselves in making a collaborative decision.
Discuss all the possible natural death and euthanasia options with the caregiver.
Most people depend on the vet to get the best possible help while a few take their own decision.
Discuss all the EOL options with the pet’s family.
Support the final decision of the pet owner, and accept their beliefs and values because they can be different from the one given and said by the veterinarian.
Is it time to put my pet to sleep?
As your pet starts to age, or grow old with a disease, the only thought that would cross your mind is the pain that she or he has to go through in the final days. Here comes the most difficult task when you are stuck between deciding whether to let them die at home in front of your eyes or give them euthanasia. Here are some important questions that you can ask yourself before making a decision.
Is he in pain?
Does he behave very fractiously while visiting a vet’s office?
How should I cope with the death of my pet? Will I be able to take the emotional pain?
Can I see my pet dying in pain in front of my eyes?
Can the pain be treated or is it not curable?
While some people cannot accept the fact of killing their pets, some choose to give their pet euthanasia and feel that it is the only option left for them.
This article discusses both views and states the advantages and disadvantages of both of them to help you get a clearer view and understand both the process very clearly.
Euthanasia refers to intentionally end the life of a living being to relieve them from suffering and pain. In some cases, pet euthanasia at home is also available.
Advantages of Euthanasia
The most and only important advantage of euthanasia is its pain-free and peaceful death. The only pain that an animal can feel is the pricking of the injection that is injected into him. If an animal is in immense pain for any injuries or any disease then this can give him a less painful death. Euthanasia is legally practiced and is opted for by many caregivers. For getting a perfect vet, go to Google and search for “vets near me.”
Disadvantages of Euthanasia
The biggest disadvantage of euthanasia is that you have to travel to the vet’s office and if your pet is suffering from immense health problems then you cannot travel with him for a long time. This might lead to anxiety as all animals are not habituated to travel in a car. Also, at such a stage the pet would not be able to cope up with a different environment.
Letting a Pet Die At Home
Natural death is the most common thing that we see around us. This was the only option available when there was no vet clinic or anesthetics. The pet eventually died at a certain age. If your pet is in pain and you want him to die naturally without giving him euthanasia then you have to properly know how to manage pain. For this, you have to take the help of a vet near me who can enlighten you with proper instructions.
The pet gets to die in a natural environment, with its last moments in your presence.
There is no guilt within the family as it occurred naturally.
It is very difficult to watch your pet die in pain.
The pet might suddenly start feeling a lot of pain.
The topic thus remains controversial. No one can clearly say that any one of them is better than the other as both involve a lot of emotional pain on the owner’s side and physical pain on the pet’s side. You must realize that ending the life of a living being is not a “single size fits all” affair. The ultimate decision is in your hand.