Panchakarma Therapy for PCOS to Improve fertility| Ayurveda Treatment Bangalore
Panchakarma Therapy for PCOS to Improve fertility Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) are the most common hormonal disorders that women experience in their reproductive years.
Symptoms of PCOS include:
- Irregular menstrual cycles
- Severe bleeding
- The hair growth or hair fall
- Facial acne: The skin can get higher than normal through male hormones, and break out in areas such as the face, chest, and back
- Obesity
- Male-pattern baldness
- Darkening of the skin
- Mood swings and mood instability
- Headaches, Migraines with associated symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light
The variations in hormones that occur among women cause the above symptoms; however, there are effective treatment options available in Ayurveda for PCOD & PCOS.
Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS Management:
Primary Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS includes lifestyle modifications and medications.
Goals of Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS fall under the below four categories:
- Ayurvedic body detoxification
- Strengthening, revitalizing, and restoring the fertility of the female reproductive system
- The reversal of hormonal imbalance and treatment of hirsutism or acne.
- Addressing obesity and insulin resistance
A woman having PCOS does not always mean difficulty getting pregnant. PCOS ayurvedic treatment at Tatkshana Ayurveda Hospital addresses PCOS with a holistic approach. Personalized therapy offered at Tatkshana Ayurveda Hospital helps to resolve the core cause of the condition; thereby, naturally stimulating hormone balance in the body. Panchakarma therapy is the first-line therapy for PCOS ayurvedic treatment. The ayurvedic specialist conducts a comprehensive evaluation after which a strategic tailor-made ayurvedic treatment is designed.
Panchakarma treatment primarily focuses on managing the root cause of the problem by eliminating toxins from the reproductive system: Panchakarma therapy for Infertility and PCOS in the modern era, the Panchakarma treatment provides a positive response to the rising PCOS cases in women. Panchakarma treatment activates the sexual bodies namely the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, female vagina, and the male testis. Panchakarma treatment maintains the hormone equilibrium thus facilitating pregnancy. Ayurveda is a science and art of life that helps and promotes good health through healing. Ayurveda advocates healing and preventative therapies and involves methods of purification, and rejuvenation. Panchakarma therapy is an intrinsic part of Ayurveda, whose objective is to help achieve a balanced state of mind, body, and consciousness.
Panchakarma treatment therapy:
Panchakarma therapy is a set of five therapies, which is designed to keep the body toxin-free. Ayurveda treatment primarily focuses on the body’s purification before initiating any other therapy.
Two basic principles of Panchakarma treatment are:
Oleation and Fomentation
Oleation is the process of application of oil to your body. A wide variety of oils are prepared from both herbal and mineral ingredients for this main purpose. Ghee is also applied to the body. These fatty substances reach every cell of the human body and carry along with their medical properties; thus eliminating the toxins from the body.
Fomentation therapies help generate sweat. First, the tissues are made soft by Oleation therapy; furthermore, fomentation makes them softer. The toxins lost by Oleation liquefy due to fomentation, thereby flushing them out of our body system.
The two basic principles of Panchakarma treatment are applied in the following therapies namely:
Abhyanga is a herbal and mineral oil body massage.
This therapy relieves all head region-related ailments.
This is an excellent therapy to relieve joint, muscular, and neurological disorders.
Potali massage:
Our skilled therapists at Tatkshana Ayurveda Hospital will massage your entire body with the prescribed herbal oil using small muslin bags of specially prepared medical herbs and herbal powders. This relieves pain, joint stiffness, and numbness; thus, the body gets rid of toxins and remains restored and rejuvenated.
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