Oracle 1Z0-902予想試験、1Z0-902一発合格 & 1Z0-902トレーニング資料
1Z0-902予想試験, 1Z0-902一発合格, 1Z0-902トレーニング資料, 1Z0-902試験感想, 1Z0-902資料的中率, 1Z0-902試験準備, 1Z0-902ダウンロード, 1Z0-902技術内容, 1Z0-902試験資料, 1Z0-902資格トレーリング
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検証する1Z0-902 予想試験 & 合格スムーズ1Z0-902 一発合格 | ユニークな1Z0-902 トレーニング資料 Oracle Exadata Database Machine X8M Implementation Essentials
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Oracle Exadata Database Machine X8M Implementation Essentials問題集を今すぐダウンロード
質問 22
Which two statements are correct about adding an additional database server to a physical Exadata X9M Database Machine using Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant (OEDA)?
- A. The script performs network configuration for the new servers. The new servers are restarted at the end of the process.
- B. Do not proceed if the OEDA Validate Configuration File step displays an error message about missing files
- C. Executing /opt/oracle.supportTools/ -free -reclaim on each Exadata X9M Database server is required to reclaim disk space and perform partition reconfiguration.
- D. It is required to install OEDA on the first new database server.
- E. In order to configure the servers with Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant (OEDA), the new server information must be entered in OEDA, and the configuration file must contain existing nodes.
正解: A,B
質問 23
What is the maximum DRAM capacity you can expand an X9M-2 DB Server?
- A. 512GB
- B. 384GB
- C. 1536GB
- D. 2048GB
- E. 1024GB
- F. 768GB
正解: D
The Exadata X9M-2 Database Machine uses powerful database servers, each with two 32-core x86 processors and 512 GB of memory (expandable up to 2 TB).
質問 24
Examine these commands:
1. Execute “crscti stop cluster -all” as the grid user from one database server.
2. Execute “crscti stop cluster -all” as root from one database server.
3. Power off all network switches.
4. Execute “crscti stop cluster” as root from one database server.
5. Execute “crscti stop cluster” as the grid user from one database server.
6. Power off the rack using the power switches on the PDUs.
7. Execute “shutdown -h now” on all database servers.
8. Execute “shutdown -h now” on all Exadata storage servers.
Which is the correct order or the required commands to completely power off an Exadata Database Machine in an orderly fashion?
- A. 4, 7, 8, 3, and 6
- B. 2, 8, 7, 3, and 6
- C. 5, 8, 7, and 6
- D. 1, 8, 7, 3 and 6
- E. 2, 7, 8, and 6
正解: E
質問 25
Which two statements are true for the Oracle Exadata Configuration Assistant (OECA)?
- A. OECA reconfigures the size of disk groups and recreates grid disks.
- B. OECA’s “Add Equipment” input option allows allocation of RU slots for customer equipment.
- C. OECA allows one XT storage server in the configuration.
- D. OECA facilitates PDU power selection initially and after equipment addition.
- E. OECA extends the hardware for the elastic configuration only.
正解: B,C
質問 26
You are in the process of upgrading your nonvirtualized X9M-2 Database Machine elastic configuration with 4 database servers and 7 HC storage servers with an additional 4 database servers and 7 HC storage servers.
The new storage servers are called DM01CEL08 through dmoicel14.
After creating 96 new griddisks, you issued this SQL statement:
How many failgroups if any, will be added to the DATE diskgroup by executing this SQL statement?
- A. 7 consisting of 12 griddisks each
- B. 0 because the new griddisks will be added to the existing faiigroups
- C. 1 consisting of all 96 griddisks
- D. 12 consisting of seven griddisks each
- E. 96 consisting of one griddisk each
正解: D
質問 27